Keep America Scared

Are there two individuals more important to Al Qaeda’s agenda anywhere on the planet than Dick Cheney or his daughter Liz?

As frightening as the specter of terrorism undoubtedly is, there is no danger that terrorists will ever seize control of our cities or our government. There is no likelihood that terrorists will kill as many Americans next year as drunk drivers, heart disease or depression.

Al Qaeda only poses a meaningful threat to our way of life if we give in to our fear and change it ourselves. That is precisely what the Keep America Safe Foundation would have us do. They seem to forget that there is more to America than just a flag and rousing patriotic music. America is free speech, the rule of law, and inalienable human rights.

We cannot call ourselves the land of the free if we lock up individuals without trial on the basis of secret intelligence. You don’t trust the government to run healthcare? Why on earth would you trust it to effectively evaluate rumor, gossip and innuendo from half a world away?

We cannot call ourselves the land of the free if we torture people. You don’t think waterboarding is torture? The Spanish Inquisition, the Nazi Gestapo, French colonial forces in Algeria, Stalin’s NKVD, and the Japanese Kempeitai all waterboarded prisoners. Look around at the company you are keeping.

We cannot call ourselves the land of the free if we stigmatize lawyers for defending criminal suspects – no matter what they are charged with. You can’t have fair trials if only one side turns up in court.

Terrorist strategists know that they lack the military power to overcome their enemies and their campaign is not intended to engage and defeat our armed forces. Rather they are engaged in a form of political jujitsu designed to turn our own strength against us.

Terrorists seek to imprison us in a prison of our own making and in Dick and Liz Cheney they have found the perfect jailors. Terrorists rely on message generators to spread their amped up message of fear and terror. The Cheneys have embraced this role.

Terrorists are usually forced to rely on jihadist websites, radical preachers, and grainy YouTube videos to try to intimidate their opponents but when the Keep America Safe Foundation stepped up to the plate Al Qaeda lucked out. Bin Laden could not buy the kind of publicity that this Foundation gives him free of charge.

These 21st Century know nothings see political advantage in inflating the threat posed by Al Qaeda and investing bin Laden and his gang of criminals with a significance and mystique they do not deserve. In doing so, they have become Al Qaeda’s unwitting fifth column undermining American society from within with their new brand of McCarthyism.

The constitution is no mere scrap of paper. It is the foundation on which America is built. The values enshrined in this document by the founding fathers – who, let’s not forget, included a lawyer who defended enemy soldiers and a General who refused to torture – are what make this country the envy of the world.

If we turn our back on the constitution, we turn our back on America.

In a recent interview on Meet the Press General David Petraeus described Guanatanamo, Abu Garaib, and the kind of “non-biodegradable” counterterrorism tactics embraced by the Keep America Safe Foundation as a stick the enemy can continually beat you with.

I don’t know about you but I would rather get my counterterrorism advice from a real frontline commander with years of field experience than a couple of beltway bandits who have never served in so much as a forward area.

Wake up America. It’s not about Al Qaeda. It is about us. It is about the kind of country we want to live in; whether we want to walk tall or cower in our bunkers. We can be that city on a shining hill envisaged by the founding fathers, or we can listen to the Keep America Safe Foundation and destroy this country to save it.

Macho Posturing Does Not Make Us Safer

Speaking to Politico last Tuesday, former Vice-President Richard Cheney opined:

“When we get people who are more concerned about reading the rights to an Al Qaeda terrorist than they are with protecting the United States against people who are absolutely committed to do anything they can to kill Americans, then I worry.”

Sadly, this is a sentiment that Amnesty International volunteers hear a lot as they engage in the debate on the abuse of detainees. It is also a line of argument that can be easily rebuffed.

The bottom line is that such macho posturing does the national security of this country no favors.  Due process rights keep us honest but they also make us smarter. They hold law enforcement, military and intelligence officers to a higher standard.  A standard that holds mere assertion, hearsay and innuendo is not sufficient to deprive an individual of his or her liberty; A standard that requires official action to be based on the collection of facts – evidence – that will stand up in court; That ensures skilled interviewing by trained and experienced investigators replaces mindless bullying and produces better intelligence; That guarantees fewer miscarriages of justice.

The former Vice-President is not wrong to highlight the threat from terrorism.  The threat has not gone away and, if anything, the Bush Administration’s policies over the past seven years have ensured that the threat is greater now than it has ever been.  Terrorism is the ultimate human rights abuse and Amnesty International is as steadfast in its condemnation and opposition to such tactics as it is to the use of torture and indefinite detention by government agents.

Macho posturing is no substitute for effective counterterrorism policies.  And passion is no substitute for competence.  Human rights standards keep us smarter and make our counterterrorism efforts more effective.  No democratic state that has betrayed these basic principles has ever successively defeated a terrorist threat.  Bitter experience teaches us that the war on terror can only be fought and won from the moral high ground.