Iraq Tells Camp Ashraf Residents to Get Out


Iraqi authorities announced last Thursday that they will forcibly relocate about 3,400 members of the Iranian opposition group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) from Camp Ashraf where they have lived since the mid 1980’s. Reports about where residents will be relocated are conflicting.

Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has reportedly announced that Camp Ashraf’s residents will be moved to the southern province of Muthanna. On Monday, the Iraqi government announced that the PMOI will be moved to a hotel in Baghdad.  Other reports said that they would be moved to a desert detention camp, Neqrat al-Salman, near Basra.

Residents of Camp Ashraf, also known as Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), were given until Tuesday to leave or else face forced removal and relocation elsewhere in Iraq. But on Tuesday, Iraqi military officials gave journalists a tour of the camp, and assured them that all relocation is voluntary.

But the Washington Post reported Brig. Gen. Basel Hamad of the Iraqi army saying yesterday that “today is the day we start moving things out. We will not allow any foreigners to establish their own laws on Iraqi soil.”

Many residents have already vowed to stay, despite the high likelihood of violent consequences.

Amnesty International fears that forced removals of the residents of Camp Ashraf would put them at risk of arbitrary arrest, torture or other forms of ill-treatment, and unlawful killing.  Since mid-2008 the Iraqi government has repeatedly indicated that it wanted to close Camp Ashraf.

In late July, Iraqi security forces stormed the camp and at least nine residents were killed and many more injured. Another 36 who had been detained were reported to have been tortured and beaten. They were released on October 7th in poor health after maintaining a hunger strike throughout their period of detention.

Earlier this year, the Iraqi military blockaded the camp, preventing Camp Ashraf residents from receiving food and water supplies.

No investigations are known to have been carried out by the Iraqi authorities into their alleged torture and other ill-treatment or into allegations that Iraqi security forces used excessive, lethal force when taking control of Camp Ashraf last July.

This post was contributed by Shatha Almutawa, Iraq country specialist.

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106 thoughts on “Iraq Tells Camp Ashraf Residents to Get Out

  1. Thanks dear Amnesty people
    Have you been able to enter the camp and have you talked to any of the residents?
    These people are "Protected Persons" under Geneva conventions. Why don't the US or the UN do anything?
    This is really sad for Iraqi people that their government has become Iran's puppet. Otherwise, these people are surrounded by the Iraqi forces and have no harm to the country. They pay for themselves and have no burden onthe Iraqi goverment. They want to please Iran and it is very sad that the US and the UN are just watching Iran and Iraq walk over all the international rules and treaties.

  2. Thanks dear Amnesty people
    Have you been able to enter the camp and have you talked to any of the residents?
    These people are “Protected Persons” under Geneva conventions. Why don’t the US or the UN do anything?
    This is really sad for Iraqi people that their government has become Iran’s puppet. Otherwise, these people are surrounded by the Iraqi forces and have no harm to the country. They pay for themselves and have no burden onthe Iraqi goverment. They want to please Iran and it is very sad that the US and the UN are just watching Iran and Iraq walk over all the international rules and treaties.

  3. For many years, one of the schemes pursued by the Iranian regime to eliminate Camp Ashraf residents has been to transfer them to remote areas in Iraq. It intends to target them in the course of their transfer or after their transfer is completed. Ashraf residents’ transfer is indeed the prelude for their massacre and a major humanitarian catastrophe.

  4. I praise Amnesty for working for the rights of Ashraf residents. The USA has a responsibility towards these people who gave up their arms in 2003 in return for their security by the American Government who recognised them as "Protected Persons" under Geneva Conventions. The European Parliament resolution adopted on 24 April 2009 insists on this Convention and condemns any forcible displacement of Ashraf residents inside Iraq for the same reasons which Amnesty has stated.

  5. I am asking the people in amnesty international to please work for human rights for ashraf people and protect the them.

    Thank you

  6. Only Iranian regime and its agents in Iraq wants to move, displace or eleminate people in Ashraf. In light of what is happening in Iran and crackdown of any voice against the regime our duty and Amnestry international duty is support Ashraf resident and their right. This is the least we could do for all Iranian who suffer under relgious dictator regime.

  7. I think they have stay in Ashraf becous after 24 years is their home and they shold be protect by international forces

  8. The residents of Ashraf are protected persons and their safety must be ensured. The Iranian regime through its proxies in Iraq (maliki) is attempting to eliminate the most organized opposition to its rule in response to the iranian peoples
    uprising. No one should be able to threaten unarmed civilians who are considered protected persons under international law.

  9. I know these people have been living in Iraq since the 1980's. They have sacrificed there lives to help free iran from this dictator regime. They are considered "protected persons" under the fourth geneva convention. I believe the rules should be followed and the people of camp ashraf should not be forced to leave. If they have to leave, then there should be no laws like the fourth geneva convention because what is the point of having them if people can just do what they want. I also believe in order to protect these people the United Nations should step in and take responsibility of protecting the camp ashraf residents before any crime against humanity occurs.

    I would like to thank in advance the United Nations and Amnesty International for getting involved in this matter and doing the right thing and ensuring the safety and security of the people of camp ashraf.

  10. I appreciate Amnesty for its efforts to prevent any humanitarian catasrophe at Camp Ashraf in the past. As of January 2009 when the control of Camp transfered to Iraqi forces, all inhuman pressures started on residents of Camp including massacre of July 28 and 29. Therefore all the facts indicate that the Iraqi government particularly its prime minister Nori al Malki neither has intention nor capable and eligible to protect the Camp Ashraf. The control of Camp must be transfered to United Nation Forces until the final disposition for the 3400 residents of Camp Ashraf is reached.


  11. For many years, one of the schemes pursued by the Iranian regime to eliminate Camp Ashraf residents has been to transfer them to remote areas in Iraq. It intends to target them in the course of their transfer or after their transfer is completed. Ashraf residents’ transfer is indeed the prelude for their massacre and a major humanitarian catastrophe.

  12. Thank you AI USA for all your actions regarding human rights issues. Iraq should be taken to court – and has to answer why it does not abide by its own laws, and International laws regarding refugees with 4th G Con. Protected status. Such threats, unlawful actions, and threats to these residents will never go unnoticed and will never remain unknown.
    That is why I really appreciate your call to actions and statements regarding the humanitarian situation of Camp Ashraf Residents.

  13. I think its important that AI USA has written this article – it send the voice and message that human rights will not go unnoticed and we all human being are aware and concerned wherever human rights violations occur.

  14. I praise Amnesty for working for the rights of Ashraf residents. The USA has a responsibility towards these people who gave up their arms in 2003 in return for their security by the American Government who recognised them as “Protected Persons” under Geneva Conventions. The European Parliament resolution adopted on 24 April 2009 insists on this Convention and condemns any forcible displacement of Ashraf residents inside Iraq for the same reasons which Amnesty has stated.

  15. Long Live Ashraf Residents.
    Down with the enemies of the Ashraf residents.
    If Ashraf residents stay in Ashraf then the terrorist government of Iran will be replaced by a secular government.
    The enemy of the Ashraf residents will make Iraq and the rest of the world unsecure………….
    Majid Saatchi New York USA

  16. پيام ساده و روشن بود:
    -محرم، ماه خون! خامنهاى، سرنگون!
    -تحجر و جنايت، دو پايه ولايت
    -مرگ بر اين ولايت يزيدى
    خوشا كه خلق قهرمان و جوانان اشرفنشان در سراسر ايران، قيام سرخ حسينى و آيينهاى پيامبر جاودان آزادى را پس از 30سال از چنگ خمينى وخامنهاى آزاد و سرور شهيدان را دلشاد كردند.
    سلام برحسين و شهيدانى كه در اين ايام به‌سوى او بال و پر كشيدند و در آستان او فرود آمدند.

    ولا تحسبنّ الّذين قتلوا فى سبيلاللّه أمواتًا بل أحياء عند ربّهم يرزقون
    آنان را كه در راه خدا و خلق كشته شدند مرده مپنداريد. زندگانند و نزد خدا روزى داده مى‌شوند.

    ندا و سهراب وترانه و اشكان، على و امير و شهرام و رحمان، مهدى و محمد على و جهانبخت و ارسلان و كيانوش و ديگر شهيدان ما نمردهاند. ، ولايت ارتجاع و جاهليت است كه مرده، و غلتان و شتابان، به زبالهدان تاريخ مى‌رود وسيعلم الّذين ظلموا أيّ منقلبٍ ينقلبون.
    به‌زودى ستمگران خواهند دانست كه به كدامين جايگاه روانند…

    اين بارخصوصيت ويژه قيام، شعله‌هاى قهر و خشم مقدس خلق، عليه ولايت يزيدى بود. اكنون دنيا به چشم مى‌بيند كه از جرقه حريق برخاسته و ريش و ريشه ديكتاتورى آخوندى و قباى ولايت سفيانى را در ايران فراگرفته است. جنگى بود كه همه دنيا به آن گواهى داد. جنگى كه سر بازايستادن ندارد و تا آزادى ميهن اشغال شده و خلق اسير ادامه مى‌يابد. با نقش ستايشانگيز زنان در صفوف اول نبرد.
    فرزندان دلير ملت ايران، مزدوران را گوشمالى دادند، خلع سلاح كردند، خودروها و مراكز آنها را درهمكوبيدند، تجهيزاتشان را به غنيمت گرفتند، لباسهاى جرم و جنايت را به آتش كشيدند و عهد بستند كه: «مى‌كشم، مى‌كشم، آن‌كه برادرم كشت».
    «بسيجى يزيدى خشم ما رو نديدى» !
    دست مريزاد! كه دفتر حساب و كتابهاى رژيم را در هم پيچيديد. فراتر از همه تمهيدات و تشبثات ولىفقيه ارتجاع، فرسايش و ريزش و موارد متعدد تسليم را در نيروهاى انتظامى به او تحميل كرديد.

    زنده باد ارتش آزادى!
    زنده باد انقلاب دموكراتيك مردم ايران!
    زنده باد ارتش بزرگ آزادى مردم ايران!
    ارتشى كه در سراسر ميهن براى آزادى به‌پاخاسته، هرچند كه مانند مجاهدان اشرف بىسلاح است. اما با دست خالى هم نشان داد كه تا كجا مى‌توان و بايد بر فرق رژيم كوبيد.
    در همين‌جا پرسنل وطن پرست ارتش به‌ويژه سربازان و افسران جزء را به پيوستن به خيزش ظفرنمون مردم ايران فرامى‌خوانم.
    گرد و خاك آخر راه و تبليغات مسخره رژيم ولايت را بنگريد كه قبل از هرچيز يادآور واپسين مراحل رژيم شاه است. با همان فرهنگ ساواكي– اطلاعاتى. با همان كلمات راديو و تلويزيون شاهنشاهى درباره آشوب و اغتشاش و تخريب اموال عمومى. با همان خط و نشان كشيدنهاى بچه ترسان و ميان تهى، آن هم پس از 120هزار اعدام و قتلعام زندانيان سياسى…
    -اگر معنى آشوب و اغتشاش و ساختارشكنى، قيام و مقاومت و انقلاب براى آزادى است، بله، ما همه آشوبگريم، اغتشاشگريم و ساختار ولايت يزيدى را به هرقيمت در هم مى‌شكنيم.
    -اگرتعريف شما ازتروريسم ايستادگى در برابر سرقت حاكميت مردم ايران و رزم جانانه براى آزادى وهمان ارزشهاى جهانشمولى است كه امروز رئيسجمهور آمريكا هم مى‌گويد رژيم ايران ملزم به رعايت آن است، بله، تا مى‌توانيد عمامه زمين بزنيد و ما را تروريست بخوانيد. آن‌قدركه گلويتان پاره شود…
    -اگر كسى به‌خاطر درهم كوبيدن خودروها و سوزاندن موتورها و تجهيزات و اماكن جنايتكارانى كه به‌روى مردم بى‌دفاع آتش گشودند، به اسم هدر شدن اموال عمومى مردم ايران اشك تمساح مى‌ريزد، بهتر است ابتدا حساب 68ميليارد دلار پول ناپديد شده از 300ميليارد دلار درآمدهاى نفتى 4سال گذشته را پس بدهد.
    «پول نفت چى شده خرج بسيجى شده» !
    «بسيجى بىغيرت، تشنه به خون ملت».
    «حكومت زور نمى‌خواهيم پليس مزدور نمى‌خواهيم»

    -اگر كسى در فكر حرمت عاشورا و ايام عزادارى است، سوگند به‌خون شهيدانى كه در آستان سيدالشهدا فرود آمدند و سوگند به درد و رنج مجروحانى كه سر به پيشگاه او ساييدند، پس از 30سال، نخستين سالى است كه حرمت عاشورا و تاسوعا، حرمت «خون خدا» و ابوالفضل علمدار، به‌پاداشته مى‌شود.
    «ابوالفضل علمدار، خامنهاى رو بردار»
    همان سوگند وفا كه برتارك ضريحش نوشته شده است: فضلالله المجاهدين على القاعدين اجراً عظيما
    چه كسى نمى‌داند كه درد خامنهاى و تيغكشان و عربدهكشان او، نه خدا و نه آيين خداست و نه امام حسين و انبيا و اوليا
    – «تجاوز توى زندان، اين‌هم بود توى قران؟»
    – «سكوت هر مسلمان، خيانت است به قرآن»
    – «بيعت با ظالمان، حرام است حرام است»

    مزدوران و آخوندهاى خمينى صفت در روزگار يزيد او را «اميرالمومنين يزيد» مى‌خواندند! اما امام حسين به آنان مىگفت، حتى اگر ايدئولوژى و مرام و دين و اصولى نداريد، آزادگى پيشه كنيد. همان چيزى كه تابعان ولايت خامنهاى بويى از آن نبردهاند.
    – «خامنهاى يزيد دورا ن شده، وطن از او يكسره ويران شده»
    – «خامنهاى مرگت باد، تا به ابد ننگت باد»
    درد خامنهاى و گماشته در محاق رفته او (احمدىنژاد را مى‌گويم) و سه رأس لاريجانى كه اكنون شقه ديگرى را در باند خامنهاى نمايندگى مى‌كنند، يك چيز بيشتر نيست. 20سال حاكميت بادآورده انحصارى بعد از خمينى، در سايه جنگ كويت و جنگ افغانستان و جنگ عراق در همسايگى ايران امر را برآنها مشتبه كرده و هوا برشان داشته است. اما اكنون به‌شدت از دور زمان و زمانه عقب افتادهاند. نمى‌خواهند و نمى‌توانند بپذيرند كه آن سبو بشكست و آن پيمانه ريخت. هم‌چون غريق به هر خس و خاشاك چنگ مى‌زنند. فرجام كار اما از پيش روشن است. سرنگونى محتوم!

    «به‌روشنى مىتوان ديد كه اين رژيم در بنبست است. به آخرخط رسيده و راه پس و پيش ندارد». (پيام 30خرداد 1388)
    به‌نظر مى‌رسد ديكتاتور عمامهدار نيز مانند سلف تاجدار خود «صداى انقلاب مردم» را شنيده باشد.
    استمرار و سرعت پيشروى و درجه تعميق و گسترش نيروهاى قيام در شش ماه گذشته و مخصوصا انبار باروتى كه در ايام تاسوعا و عاشورا در ايران سر باز كرد، به همگان نشان داد كه آن‌چه مقاومت ايران درباره وضعيت جامعه ايران و درباره رژيم مى‌گفت، حقيقت داشته و در آن مبالغهيى نبوده است.
    امروز ديگر از آن همه حرف و حديث درباره ماندگارى و تثبيت و اصلاح و استحاله رژيم خبرى نيست. بهمحض اين‌كه در انتخابات رژيم روزنى باز شد، شكافى عميق هويدا شد كه به شقهيى درمانناپذير منجر گرديد. اكنون با قيامى شعلهور مواجهيم كه همه دنيا را به پايان كار اين رژيم متقاعد كرده است. اكنون بسيار مى‌گويند و مى‌نويسند كه راهحل، همان راهحل سوم و تغيير دموكراتيك به‌دست مردم ايران است كه رئيسجمهور برگزيده اين مقاومت از سالها پيش عنوان كرد.
    گفته بوديم كه: «ما به جامعه بينالمللى و به آمريكا و اروپا راهحل مريم را پيشنهاد مى‌كنيم. اين راهحل نه فقط مطلوب ما و ملت ما بلكه نياز مبرم خود آنها و ملتهاى آنها هم هست. زيرا كه صلح و امنيت و دموكراسى و حقوقبشر و ثبات و سازندگى و دوستى و يك ايران غيراتمى و همكارى و توسعه اقتصادى را در اين منطقه از جهان پيشنهاد مى‌كند و به قوانين و كنوانسيونهاى بينالمللى احترام مى‌گذارد» (پيام 3دى ماه 1385)

    سه نكته را هم كه در نوروز سال گذشته (1387) به استحضار رساندم، يادآورى مى‌كنم:
    «اول-اوج آمادگى و جوشش شرايط عينى براى تغيير و براى خيز برداشتن انقلاب دموكراتيك مردم ايران» را همه به چشم مى‌بينند.
    دوم-مرحله ريزش و سرنگونى، محصول محتوم تك پايگى و انقباض درمانناپذير رژيم ولايتفقيه
    سوم-اين‌كه رژيم آخوندى هماوردى جز مجاهدين خلق ايران و جايگزينى جز شوراى ملى مقاومت ايران نمىيابد و با تمام توان و شدّت و حدّتى جنونآميز در پى نابود كردن آنهاست» زيرا صورت مساله، سرنگونى تام وتمام اين رژيم است كه باپيشتازى يك نيروى انقلابى سازمانيافته كه معتقد به سرنگونى اين رژيم است ميسر مىباشد.
    در پى قيام عاشورا، اكنون سه روز است كه سران و سركردگان رژيم به خط و نشان كشيدن براى اعدام و انهدام مجاهدين روى آوردهاند. مثل هميشه گمان مى‌كنند كه به اين ترتيب، ديگران هم برجاى خود خواهند نشست.
    به‌دستور خامنهاى آخوندهاى قد و نيم قد و چندين دوجين دادستان و حاكم شرع و وزيران سابق و لاحق اطلاعات به قمه كشى پرداختهاند و ما و ملت ما و قيام آفرينان عاشورا را از سربريده و «مشت آهنين» مى‌ترسانند!

    راديو و تلويزيون ولايتفقيه هم افسار پاره كرده است:
    سردژخيم جديد قضائيه خامنهاى (آخوند لاريجانى) از راه نرسيده به تهديد و تيغكشى پرداخته است:
    – «حامى هرچى جانيه… . صادق لاريجانيه»
    پاسدار على لاريجانى امروز در مجلس ارتجاع خط و نشان مى‌كشيد و «اشد مجازات بدون هيچ ملاحظه» را به كسانى كه به گفته او «نسبت به ساحت دين» و «ولايت فقيه» هتاكى كردهاند وعده مى‌داد. در عين حال با حمله بىدنده و ترمز به آمريكا و اروپا و حتى عربستان سعودى، عاجزانه از رقباى داخلى درخواست مى‌كرد كه دوباره بر سر سفره با برادران پيشين گردهم آيند و «همسفر يك عده ضدانقلاب ضد دين نشوند». باز هم با باد و بلوف و ژستهاى روحوضى مى‌گفت «تا پاى جان ايستادهايم» !

    ما ايستادگى چريكهاى فدايى و مجاهدين خلق را در زمان شاه، در شكنجهگاهها و در برابر جوخههاى اعدام ديده بوديم. ايستادگى مجاهدين و اشرفيان را در زمان شيخ هم ديدهايم و معنى و بهاى آن را خوب مىدانيم. آنچه را نمىدانيم اين است كه باند خامنهاى و شركا چرا در زمان شاه آن‌قدر واداده و دريوزه و سپاسگوى شاهنشاه بودند.
    بنابراين بهتر است اين شكلكها را براى كسانى ذخيره كنند كه آنها را نمى‌شناسند.
    بيچاره خامنهاى كه اواخر دوران شاه و حكومت نظامى ازهارى را به‌ياد دارد، خوب مى‌داند كه آتش گشودن و سركوب گسترده چه ضررها و خطراتى به‌دنبال دارد. در يك كلام سرنگونى را قوياً تسريع مى‌كند.
    بنابراين هم‌چنان‌كه امسال در 30خرداد به عرض رساندم بايد تكرار نمود كه: «اگرناپرهيزى نموديد و هوا برتان داشت و در مدلهاى پاسدار نشان احمدىنژادى پيش رفتيد، اگر هم‌چنانكه در سر داريد، به تصفيههاى بزرگ و به سركوب هر چه بيشتر و به كشتار براى جلوگيرى از قيام روى آورديد، وعده نهايى ارتش آزادى با شما، در تهران».
    خبرگزارى رسمى رژيم به‌نقل از يك عضو كميسيون امنيت و سياست خارجى در مجلس ارتجاع گزارش كرده‌است «موسوى از سمپاتهاى منافقين در اوايل انقلاب بود» و هم اكنون هم راهى را كه مجاهدين رفتهاند مى‌رود.
    سمپاتى نسبت به مجاهدين در اوايل انقلاب و در زمان شاه منحصر به آقاى موسوى نبوده و هيچ كشف جديدى نيست. رفسنجانى نيز به تفصيل داستانهاى خود را با مجاهدين در خاطراتش نوشته و كسانى كه او را در آن سالها پس از آزادى از زندان ديدهاند به‌خوبى مى‌دانند كه صراحتاً مىگفت خدا تنها نمازهايى را از او قبول خواهد كرد كه در قزل قلعه پشت سر مجاهدين خوانده است. رفسنجانى تا قبل از متلاشى شدن سازمان مجاهدين توسط اپورتونيستهاى چپ نما در سال 1354 صريحاً مى‌گفت كه خمينى بدون مجاهدين آب هم نمى‌تواند بخورد.

    خامنهاى هم داستانهاى پر طول و تفصيل با مجاهدين دارد و خودش در تهران يك شب با من از خاطرات ديدارهاى نو بهيىاش با حنيف بنيانگذار مى‌گفت و از كتابهاى مجاهدين به ويژه كتاب امام حسين تعريف مىكرد. حتى درسال 57 و 58 در زمانى‌كه عضو شوراى ارتجاع خمينى بود، هر شب جمعه از برادرمان ابوالقاسم رضايى به اصرار مى‌خواست كه نزد او برود و او را بهلحاظ سياسى توجيه كند. جرم اغلب روحانيان و آخوندهايى كه در زمان شاه به زندان مىافتادند سمپاتى نسبت به مجاهدين يا كمك مالى بود. اگر بخواهم اسامى آنها را رديف كنم، مثنوى هفتادمن مىشود و فرصت ديگرى مى‌خواهد. فقط اين را مى‌گويم و در مى‌گذرم كه تنها كسى كه در آن روزگار با مجاهدين عناد داشت شخص خمينى بود كه او هم سرانجام در اواخر سال 1350 تحت فشار پدر طالقانى و آقاى منتظرى براى حمايت از مجاهدين فتوا داد كه يك سوم سهم امام را مى‌توان به جوانان مسلمان و مبارز داد. در آن روزگار، افرادى مانند احمدىنژاد يا لاريجانى يا خاتمى مطلقاً موجوديت و حيات سياسى نداشتند. بنابراين متهم كردن آقاى موسوى به اين‌كه مانند بسيارى ديگر از سران رژيم سى و اندى سال پيش به مجاهدين سمپاتى داشته است فقط يك تله و بهانه جويى براى به‌دام انداختن اوست. ضمن اين‌كه همه مى‌دانند كه موسوى در زمان نخست وزيرى طابق النعل بالنعل مجرى دستورات خمينى عليه مجاهدين بود.

    مهمتر اين‌كه، متهم كردن آقاى موسوى به اين‌كه راه مجاهدين را مى‌رود كذب محض و زمينهسازى براى ارعاب و اسكات و يا دستگيرى است. اگر درست به‌يادم مانده باشد موسوى دريكى از بيانيه‌هاى خود بعد از انتخابات گفت كه هدف او از شركت در انتخابات بازگرداندن «عقلانيت دينى به فضاى مديريت کشور» بوده اما در ميانه مسير به هدفهاى بسيار بلندترى هدايت شده است. طبعاً ما آرزومنديم كه آقاى موسوى در مسير هدايت، روزى به آن‌جا برسد كه مرحوم منتظرى رسيد و به‌طور نسبى هم كه شده امالفساد ديكتاتورى دينى ولايتفقيه را دريافت. همان جرثومه يزيدى را كه سنگ بناى قانون اساسى اين رژيم است. هر كس كه به حاكميت و راى آزاد جمهور مردم ايران پاى‌بند است، با ماست و ما با او هستيم.

    در مصاف تاريخى مردم ايران با نظام پليد ولايت و شخص ولىفقيه ارتجاع، گفتهايم و تكرار مى‌كنيم كه، به‌رغم هر آنچه موسوى يا ديگران عليه مجاهدين و مقاومت ايران گفته باشند يا بگويند، هر گونه تعرض به آنها و خانواده و اطرافيانشان را قوياً محكوم مى‌كنيم و به ولىفقيه ارتجاع اخطار مى‌كنيم كه مسئوليت دستگيرى و محاكمه و مجازات موسوى و هر گونه اقدام تروريستى مشخصاً و مستقيماً برعهده شخص خامنهاى است. علاوه بر اين، در پى صدور پنجاهو ششمين قطعنامه مللمتحد درباره نقض وحشتناك حقوقبشر در ايران، از دبيركل مللمتحد و كميسر عالى حقوقبشر باز هم مى‌خواهيم كه در همين خصوص يك هيأت ثابت نظارت بينالمللى براى نگهبانى از حقوقبشر و به‌ويژه آزادى بيان و اجتماعات در تهران مستقر كند.

    واضح است كه باند خامنهاى و شركا به غايت تلاش مى‌كنند كروبى و موسوى و اطرافيان و نظاير آنها را متقاعد كنند كه به شرط تاييد يا شراكت در سركوب مجاهدين و مقاومت ايران و موضعگيرى عليه آنها، از تيغ آخته ولايت در امان خواهند بود. تلاش مىكنند مانند لاريجانى، رئيس مجلس ارتجاع، آنها را قدم به قدم به همسفرى و هم سفرگى مجدد در همين راستا بكشانند. اما واقعيت اين‌ است كه كار از اين چيزها گذشته و مواضع و برچسبهاى پيشين به مجاهدين ديگر اثر ندارد و مشكلى حل نمى‌كند. چرا كه ولايت يزيدى فقط انقياد و تسليم مطلق مى‌طلبد و حالا ديگر در سراشيب سرنگونى، صرف لفاظى عليه مجاهدين و مقاومت ايران دردى را از او دوا نمى‌كند.
    خامنهاى و خبرگان دستنشانده او فرصت جايگزين كردن منتظرى براى فراهم كردن مقدمات يك انتخابات آزاد را كه به آنان اندرز داده بوديم، از دست دادند. انحلال خبرگان ارتجاع را هم بگوش نگرفتند و زيانكار شدند. باشد تا در قدمهاى بعد مانند آتشبس تحميلى، انهدام آن را به‌دست پرتوان مردم ايران به‌چشم ببينند.

    نيروهاى انقلاب دموكراتيك مردم ايران و ارتش بزرگ آزادى
    از دود و دم ارتجاع رو به زوال نبايد واهمه داشت. مرعوب تنوره كشيدن ديو ولايت نشويد.
    مانند مجاهدان اشرف، درمنتهاى شجاعت و دلاورى، «بيا بيا» بگوييد. يعنى كه اگر رژيم و نيروهاى سركوبگر آن قصد تهاجم و وحشيگرى بيشترى دارند، بيا بيا، تا نشانت بدهيم.

    كليد پيروزى و اصل طلايى، دراين شرايط، حداكثرتهاجم است.
    هم‌چنان‌كه در قيام كبير عاشورا ديديم، رژيم ولايت حالا ديگر گرگ كاغذى است. به‌شرط اين‌كه در هر آرايش و حركتى اصالت را به جمع بدهيد. جمع، توان كوه دارد و فرد را حفظ و حراست مى‌كند و با خود بالا مىبرد. اقشار مختلف مردم به‌ويژه كارگران و دهقانان را بيش از پيش به اعتراض و اعتصاب و مقاومت و به صفوف قيام و ارتش آزادى فرا بخوانيد.

    آهاى بچههاى اشرفنشان در تهران و شهرهاى شعلهور ايران، اى كسانى‌كه شعار مى‌دهيد «يا حجة بن الحسن! ريشهٴ ظلمو بكن!»، گوش كنيد:
    زمان آن رسيده است كه اسم خيابان مصدق را هم برگردانيد. همان نام بزرگى كه مردم در جريان انقلاب ضدسلطنتى گذاشته بودند. خمينى با دجاليت بر خيابان مصدق، نام ولى عصرگذاشت تا كسى نتواند خرده بگيرد. راهش اينست كه هر كجا را خمينى به‌نام خودش نامگذارى كرده، ولىعصر بخوانيد تا هم قائم منتظر عنايت كند و لكه ننگ خمينى از دامن ايران و اسلام پاك شود، و هم، به‌رغم خمينى، راه و رسم پيشواى فقيد نهضت ملى الگو و درس و شاخصى براى همه افراد و جريانهاى سياسى شود؛ الگوى دموكراسى و حاكميت مردم، درس سازش ناپذيرى، و شاخص ايستادگى بر سر حقوق ملت ايران.
    رود خروشان خون شهيدان در پرتو مهر تابان مقاومت و آزادى ايران ضامن پيروزى محتوم خلق ماست

  17. Residents of Camp Ashraf, my aunt and uncle included, are dedicated to the cause of freedom and democracy in Iran. They have dedicated all they have to this cause. Most are the top graduates of best colleges in Iran, Europe and the United States. They left a good and "normal" life behind so nation of Iran could one day enjoy a free and prosperous life. They have no fight with anyone except the Iranian regime which has systematically executed and tortured tens of thousands of Iranians since 1979. They have no enemy but the ayatollahs’ regime in Iran. They are threat to no one except this murderous regime. Accordingly, no body is their enemy except that regime, its supporters, and its agents in Iraq. No one can claim to be a true human rights advocate if he or she stays silent about the human rights violation of Ashraf residents. They have no problem with government of Iraq. But they will do insist and make a stand to defend on their internationally recognized human rights which among other things makes it illegal for Iraqi government to displace them with force and against their will to any location, let alone a detentions center in the deserts of southern Iraq which is really a death camp.

  18. I am asking the people in amnesty international to please work for human rights for ashraf people and protect the them.

    Thank you

  19. Thank you AI USA for all your hard efforts and actions taken regarding human rights issues in Camp Ashraf. Mr. Maleki, as the leader of the Iraqi government, must understand that he cannot disobey its own as well as international laws regarding refugees given protected status under the 4th Geneva Convention. Camp Ashraf residents are desert pearls who have for long devoted their lives to free Iran from the hands of evil forces.Such threats and unlawful remarks made by Mr. Maleki cannot be and should not be tolerated by the free and civilized world.
    The AI Organization and the UN have the greatest responsibility to make certain that the Camp Ashraf Residents' Protected Status will not be invaded by some barberic and evil forces that do not belong to our civilized world. Thank you.

  20. Only Iranian regime and its agents in Iraq wants to move, displace or eleminate people in Ashraf. In light of what is happening in Iran and crackdown of any voice against the regime our duty and Amnestry international duty is support Ashraf resident and their right. This is the least we could do for all Iranian who suffer under relgious dictator regime.

  21. I think they have stay in Ashraf becous after 24 years is their home and they shold be protect by international forces

  22. The residents of Ashraf are protected persons and their safety must be ensured. The Iranian regime through its proxies in Iraq (maliki) is attempting to eliminate the most organized opposition to its rule in response to the iranian peoples
    uprising. No one should be able to threaten unarmed civilians who are considered protected persons under international law.

  23. I know these people have been living in Iraq since the 1980’s. They have sacrificed there lives to help free iran from this dictator regime. They are considered “protected persons” under the fourth geneva convention. I believe the rules should be followed and the people of camp ashraf should not be forced to leave. If they have to leave, then there should be no laws like the fourth geneva convention because what is the point of having them if people can just do what they want. I also believe in order to protect these people the United Nations should step in and take responsibility of protecting the camp ashraf residents before any crime against humanity occurs.

    I would like to thank in advance the United Nations and Amnesty International for getting involved in this matter and doing the right thing and ensuring the safety and security of the people of camp ashraf.

  24. I appreciate Amnesty for its efforts to prevent any humanitarian catasrophe at Camp Ashraf in the past. As of January 2009 when the control of Camp transfered to Iraqi forces, all inhuman pressures started on residents of Camp including massacre of July 28 and 29. Therefore all the facts indicate that the Iraqi government particularly its prime minister Nori al Malki neither has intention nor capable and eligible to protect the Camp Ashraf. The control of Camp must be transfered to United Nation Forces until the final disposition for the 3400 residents of Camp Ashraf is reached.


  25. Thank you AI USA for all your actions regarding human rights issues. Iraq should be taken to court – and has to answer why it does not abide by its own laws, and International laws regarding refugees with 4th G Con. Protected status. Such threats, unlawful actions, and threats to these residents will never go unnoticed and will never remain unknown.
    That is why I really appreciate your call to actions and statements regarding the humanitarian situation of Camp Ashraf Residents.

  26. I think its important that AI USA has written this article – it send the voice and message that human rights will not go unnoticed and we all human being are aware and concerned wherever human rights violations occur.

  27. Long Live Ashraf Residents.
    Down with the enemies of the Ashraf residents.
    If Ashraf residents stay in Ashraf then the terrorist government of Iran will be replaced by a secular government.
    The enemy of the Ashraf residents will make Iraq and the rest of the world unsecure………….
    Majid Saatchi New York USA

  28. پيام ساده و روشن بود:
    -محرم، ماه خون! خامنهاى، سرنگون!
    -تحجر و جنايت، دو پايه ولايت
    -مرگ بر اين ولايت يزيدى
    خوشا كه خلق قهرمان و جوانان اشرفنشان در سراسر ايران، قيام سرخ حسينى و آيينهاى پيامبر جاودان آزادى را پس از 30سال از چنگ خمينى وخامنهاى آزاد و سرور شهيدان را دلشاد كردند.
    سلام برحسين و شهيدانى كه در اين ايام به‌سوى او بال و پر كشيدند و در آستان او فرود آمدند.

    ولا تحسبنّ الّذين قتلوا فى سبيلاللّه أمواتًا بل أحياء عند ربّهم يرزقون
    آنان را كه در راه خدا و خلق كشته شدند مرده مپنداريد. زندگانند و نزد خدا روزى داده مى‌شوند.

    ندا و سهراب وترانه و اشكان، على و امير و شهرام و رحمان، مهدى و محمد على و جهانبخت و ارسلان و كيانوش و ديگر شهيدان ما نمردهاند. ، ولايت ارتجاع و جاهليت است كه مرده، و غلتان و شتابان، به زبالهدان تاريخ مى‌رود وسيعلم الّذين ظلموا أيّ منقلبٍ ينقلبون.
    به‌زودى ستمگران خواهند دانست كه به كدامين جايگاه روانند…

    اين بارخصوصيت ويژه قيام، شعله‌هاى قهر و خشم مقدس خلق، عليه ولايت يزيدى بود. اكنون دنيا به چشم مى‌بيند كه از جرقه حريق برخاسته و ريش و ريشه ديكتاتورى آخوندى و قباى ولايت سفيانى را در ايران فراگرفته است. جنگى بود كه همه دنيا به آن گواهى داد. جنگى كه سر بازايستادن ندارد و تا آزادى ميهن اشغال شده و خلق اسير ادامه مى‌يابد. با نقش ستايشانگيز زنان در صفوف اول نبرد.
    فرزندان دلير ملت ايران، مزدوران را گوشمالى دادند، خلع سلاح كردند، خودروها و مراكز آنها را درهمكوبيدند، تجهيزاتشان را به غنيمت گرفتند، لباسهاى جرم و جنايت را به آتش كشيدند و عهد بستند كه: «مى‌كشم، مى‌كشم، آن‌كه برادرم كشت».
    «بسيجى يزيدى خشم ما رو نديدى» !
    دست مريزاد! كه دفتر حساب و كتابهاى رژيم را در هم پيچيديد. فراتر از همه تمهيدات و تشبثات ولىفقيه ارتجاع، فرسايش و ريزش و موارد متعدد تسليم را در نيروهاى انتظامى به او تحميل كرديد.

    زنده باد ارتش آزادى!
    زنده باد انقلاب دموكراتيك مردم ايران!
    زنده باد ارتش بزرگ آزادى مردم ايران!
    ارتشى كه در سراسر ميهن براى آزادى به‌پاخاسته، هرچند كه مانند مجاهدان اشرف بىسلاح است. اما با دست خالى هم نشان داد كه تا كجا مى‌توان و بايد بر فرق رژيم كوبيد.
    در همين‌جا پرسنل وطن پرست ارتش به‌ويژه سربازان و افسران جزء را به پيوستن به خيزش ظفرنمون مردم ايران فرامى‌خوانم.
    گرد و خاك آخر راه و تبليغات مسخره رژيم ولايت را بنگريد كه قبل از هرچيز يادآور واپسين مراحل رژيم شاه است. با همان فرهنگ ساواكي– اطلاعاتى. با همان كلمات راديو و تلويزيون شاهنشاهى درباره آشوب و اغتشاش و تخريب اموال عمومى. با همان خط و نشان كشيدنهاى بچه ترسان و ميان تهى، آن هم پس از 120هزار اعدام و قتلعام زندانيان سياسى…
    -اگر معنى آشوب و اغتشاش و ساختارشكنى، قيام و مقاومت و انقلاب براى آزادى است، بله، ما همه آشوبگريم، اغتشاشگريم و ساختار ولايت يزيدى را به هرقيمت در هم مى‌شكنيم.
    -اگرتعريف شما ازتروريسم ايستادگى در برابر سرقت حاكميت مردم ايران و رزم جانانه براى آزادى وهمان ارزشهاى جهانشمولى است كه امروز رئيسجمهور آمريكا هم مى‌گويد رژيم ايران ملزم به رعايت آن است، بله، تا مى‌توانيد عمامه زمين بزنيد و ما را تروريست بخوانيد. آن‌قدركه گلويتان پاره شود…
    -اگر كسى به‌خاطر درهم كوبيدن خودروها و سوزاندن موتورها و تجهيزات و اماكن جنايتكارانى كه به‌روى مردم بى‌دفاع آتش گشودند، به اسم هدر شدن اموال عمومى مردم ايران اشك تمساح مى‌ريزد، بهتر است ابتدا حساب 68ميليارد دلار پول ناپديد شده از 300ميليارد دلار درآمدهاى نفتى 4سال گذشته را پس بدهد.
    «پول نفت چى شده خرج بسيجى شده» !
    «بسيجى بىغيرت، تشنه به خون ملت».
    «حكومت زور نمى‌خواهيم پليس مزدور نمى‌خواهيم»

    -اگر كسى در فكر حرمت عاشورا و ايام عزادارى است، سوگند به‌خون شهيدانى كه در آستان سيدالشهدا فرود آمدند و سوگند به درد و رنج مجروحانى كه سر به پيشگاه او ساييدند، پس از 30سال، نخستين سالى است كه حرمت عاشورا و تاسوعا، حرمت «خون خدا» و ابوالفضل علمدار، به‌پاداشته مى‌شود.
    «ابوالفضل علمدار، خامنهاى رو بردار»
    همان سوگند وفا كه برتارك ضريحش نوشته شده است: فضلالله المجاهدين على القاعدين اجراً عظيما
    چه كسى نمى‌داند كه درد خامنهاى و تيغكشان و عربدهكشان او، نه خدا و نه آيين خداست و نه امام حسين و انبيا و اوليا
    – «تجاوز توى زندان، اين‌هم بود توى قران؟»
    – «سكوت هر مسلمان، خيانت است به قرآن»
    – «بيعت با ظالمان، حرام است حرام است»

    مزدوران و آخوندهاى خمينى صفت در روزگار يزيد او را «اميرالمومنين يزيد» مى‌خواندند! اما امام حسين به آنان مىگفت، حتى اگر ايدئولوژى و مرام و دين و اصولى نداريد، آزادگى پيشه كنيد. همان چيزى كه تابعان ولايت خامنهاى بويى از آن نبردهاند.
    – «خامنهاى يزيد دورا ن شده، وطن از او يكسره ويران شده»
    – «خامنهاى مرگت باد، تا به ابد ننگت باد»
    درد خامنهاى و گماشته در محاق رفته او (احمدىنژاد را مى‌گويم) و سه رأس لاريجانى كه اكنون شقه ديگرى را در باند خامنهاى نمايندگى مى‌كنند، يك چيز بيشتر نيست. 20سال حاكميت بادآورده انحصارى بعد از خمينى، در سايه جنگ كويت و جنگ افغانستان و جنگ عراق در همسايگى ايران امر را برآنها مشتبه كرده و هوا برشان داشته است. اما اكنون به‌شدت از دور زمان و زمانه عقب افتادهاند. نمى‌خواهند و نمى‌توانند بپذيرند كه آن سبو بشكست و آن پيمانه ريخت. هم‌چون غريق به هر خس و خاشاك چنگ مى‌زنند. فرجام كار اما از پيش روشن است. سرنگونى محتوم!

    «به‌روشنى مىتوان ديد كه اين رژيم در بنبست است. به آخرخط رسيده و راه پس و پيش ندارد». (پيام 30خرداد 1388)
    به‌نظر مى‌رسد ديكتاتور عمامهدار نيز مانند سلف تاجدار خود «صداى انقلاب مردم» را شنيده باشد.
    استمرار و سرعت پيشروى و درجه تعميق و گسترش نيروهاى قيام در شش ماه گذشته و مخصوصا انبار باروتى كه در ايام تاسوعا و عاشورا در ايران سر باز كرد، به همگان نشان داد كه آن‌چه مقاومت ايران درباره وضعيت جامعه ايران و درباره رژيم مى‌گفت، حقيقت داشته و در آن مبالغهيى نبوده است.
    امروز ديگر از آن همه حرف و حديث درباره ماندگارى و تثبيت و اصلاح و استحاله رژيم خبرى نيست. بهمحض اين‌كه در انتخابات رژيم روزنى باز شد، شكافى عميق هويدا شد كه به شقهيى درمانناپذير منجر گرديد. اكنون با قيامى شعلهور مواجهيم كه همه دنيا را به پايان كار اين رژيم متقاعد كرده است. اكنون بسيار مى‌گويند و مى‌نويسند كه راهحل، همان راهحل سوم و تغيير دموكراتيك به‌دست مردم ايران است كه رئيسجمهور برگزيده اين مقاومت از سالها پيش عنوان كرد.
    گفته بوديم كه: «ما به جامعه بينالمللى و به آمريكا و اروپا راهحل مريم را پيشنهاد مى‌كنيم. اين راهحل نه فقط مطلوب ما و ملت ما بلكه نياز مبرم خود آنها و ملتهاى آنها هم هست. زيرا كه صلح و امنيت و دموكراسى و حقوقبشر و ثبات و سازندگى و دوستى و يك ايران غيراتمى و همكارى و توسعه اقتصادى را در اين منطقه از جهان پيشنهاد مى‌كند و به قوانين و كنوانسيونهاى بينالمللى احترام مى‌گذارد» (پيام 3دى ماه 1385)

    سه نكته را هم كه در نوروز سال گذشته (1387) به استحضار رساندم، يادآورى مى‌كنم:
    «اول-اوج آمادگى و جوشش شرايط عينى براى تغيير و براى خيز برداشتن انقلاب دموكراتيك مردم ايران» را همه به چشم مى‌بينند.
    دوم-مرحله ريزش و سرنگونى، محصول محتوم تك پايگى و انقباض درمانناپذير رژيم ولايتفقيه
    سوم-اين‌كه رژيم آخوندى هماوردى جز مجاهدين خلق ايران و جايگزينى جز شوراى ملى مقاومت ايران نمىيابد و با تمام توان و شدّت و حدّتى جنونآميز در پى نابود كردن آنهاست» زيرا صورت مساله، سرنگونى تام وتمام اين رژيم است كه باپيشتازى يك نيروى انقلابى سازمانيافته كه معتقد به سرنگونى اين رژيم است ميسر مىباشد.
    در پى قيام عاشورا، اكنون سه روز است كه سران و سركردگان رژيم به خط و نشان كشيدن براى اعدام و انهدام مجاهدين روى آوردهاند. مثل هميشه گمان مى‌كنند كه به اين ترتيب، ديگران هم برجاى خود خواهند نشست.
    به‌دستور خامنهاى آخوندهاى قد و نيم قد و چندين دوجين دادستان و حاكم شرع و وزيران سابق و لاحق اطلاعات به قمه كشى پرداختهاند و ما و ملت ما و قيام آفرينان عاشورا را از سربريده و «مشت آهنين» مى‌ترسانند!

    راديو و تلويزيون ولايتفقيه هم افسار پاره كرده است:
    سردژخيم جديد قضائيه خامنهاى (آخوند لاريجانى) از راه نرسيده به تهديد و تيغكشى پرداخته است:
    – «حامى هرچى جانيه… . صادق لاريجانيه»
    پاسدار على لاريجانى امروز در مجلس ارتجاع خط و نشان مى‌كشيد و «اشد مجازات بدون هيچ ملاحظه» را به كسانى كه به گفته او «نسبت به ساحت دين» و «ولايت فقيه» هتاكى كردهاند وعده مى‌داد. در عين حال با حمله بىدنده و ترمز به آمريكا و اروپا و حتى عربستان سعودى، عاجزانه از رقباى داخلى درخواست مى‌كرد كه دوباره بر سر سفره با برادران پيشين گردهم آيند و «همسفر يك عده ضدانقلاب ضد دين نشوند». باز هم با باد و بلوف و ژستهاى روحوضى مى‌گفت «تا پاى جان ايستادهايم» !

    ما ايستادگى چريكهاى فدايى و مجاهدين خلق را در زمان شاه، در شكنجهگاهها و در برابر جوخههاى اعدام ديده بوديم. ايستادگى مجاهدين و اشرفيان را در زمان شيخ هم ديدهايم و معنى و بهاى آن را خوب مىدانيم. آنچه را نمىدانيم اين است كه باند خامنهاى و شركا چرا در زمان شاه آن‌قدر واداده و دريوزه و سپاسگوى شاهنشاه بودند.
    بنابراين بهتر است اين شكلكها را براى كسانى ذخيره كنند كه آنها را نمى‌شناسند.
    بيچاره خامنهاى كه اواخر دوران شاه و حكومت نظامى ازهارى را به‌ياد دارد، خوب مى‌داند كه آتش گشودن و سركوب گسترده چه ضررها و خطراتى به‌دنبال دارد. در يك كلام سرنگونى را قوياً تسريع مى‌كند.
    بنابراين هم‌چنان‌كه امسال در 30خرداد به عرض رساندم بايد تكرار نمود كه: «اگرناپرهيزى نموديد و هوا برتان داشت و در مدلهاى پاسدار نشان احمدىنژادى پيش رفتيد، اگر هم‌چنانكه در سر داريد، به تصفيههاى بزرگ و به سركوب هر چه بيشتر و به كشتار براى جلوگيرى از قيام روى آورديد، وعده نهايى ارتش آزادى با شما، در تهران».
    خبرگزارى رسمى رژيم به‌نقل از يك عضو كميسيون امنيت و سياست خارجى در مجلس ارتجاع گزارش كرده‌است «موسوى از سمپاتهاى منافقين در اوايل انقلاب بود» و هم اكنون هم راهى را كه مجاهدين رفتهاند مى‌رود.
    سمپاتى نسبت به مجاهدين در اوايل انقلاب و در زمان شاه منحصر به آقاى موسوى نبوده و هيچ كشف جديدى نيست. رفسنجانى نيز به تفصيل داستانهاى خود را با مجاهدين در خاطراتش نوشته و كسانى كه او را در آن سالها پس از آزادى از زندان ديدهاند به‌خوبى مى‌دانند كه صراحتاً مىگفت خدا تنها نمازهايى را از او قبول خواهد كرد كه در قزل قلعه پشت سر مجاهدين خوانده است. رفسنجانى تا قبل از متلاشى شدن سازمان مجاهدين توسط اپورتونيستهاى چپ نما در سال 1354 صريحاً مى‌گفت كه خمينى بدون مجاهدين آب هم نمى‌تواند بخورد.

    خامنهاى هم داستانهاى پر طول و تفصيل با مجاهدين دارد و خودش در تهران يك شب با من از خاطرات ديدارهاى نو بهيىاش با حنيف بنيانگذار مى‌گفت و از كتابهاى مجاهدين به ويژه كتاب امام حسين تعريف مىكرد. حتى درسال 57 و 58 در زمانى‌كه عضو شوراى ارتجاع خمينى بود، هر شب جمعه از برادرمان ابوالقاسم رضايى به اصرار مى‌خواست كه نزد او برود و او را بهلحاظ سياسى توجيه كند. جرم اغلب روحانيان و آخوندهايى كه در زمان شاه به زندان مىافتادند سمپاتى نسبت به مجاهدين يا كمك مالى بود. اگر بخواهم اسامى آنها را رديف كنم، مثنوى هفتادمن مىشود و فرصت ديگرى مى‌خواهد. فقط اين را مى‌گويم و در مى‌گذرم كه تنها كسى كه در آن روزگار با مجاهدين عناد داشت شخص خمينى بود كه او هم سرانجام در اواخر سال 1350 تحت فشار پدر طالقانى و آقاى منتظرى براى حمايت از مجاهدين فتوا داد كه يك سوم سهم امام را مى‌توان به جوانان مسلمان و مبارز داد. در آن روزگار، افرادى مانند احمدىنژاد يا لاريجانى يا خاتمى مطلقاً موجوديت و حيات سياسى نداشتند. بنابراين متهم كردن آقاى موسوى به اين‌كه مانند بسيارى ديگر از سران رژيم سى و اندى سال پيش به مجاهدين سمپاتى داشته است فقط يك تله و بهانه جويى براى به‌دام انداختن اوست. ضمن اين‌كه همه مى‌دانند كه موسوى در زمان نخست وزيرى طابق النعل بالنعل مجرى دستورات خمينى عليه مجاهدين بود.

    مهمتر اين‌كه، متهم كردن آقاى موسوى به اين‌كه راه مجاهدين را مى‌رود كذب محض و زمينهسازى براى ارعاب و اسكات و يا دستگيرى است. اگر درست به‌يادم مانده باشد موسوى دريكى از بيانيه‌هاى خود بعد از انتخابات گفت كه هدف او از شركت در انتخابات بازگرداندن «عقلانيت دينى به فضاى مديريت کشور» بوده اما در ميانه مسير به هدفهاى بسيار بلندترى هدايت شده است. طبعاً ما آرزومنديم كه آقاى موسوى در مسير هدايت، روزى به آن‌جا برسد كه مرحوم منتظرى رسيد و به‌طور نسبى هم كه شده امالفساد ديكتاتورى دينى ولايتفقيه را دريافت. همان جرثومه يزيدى را كه سنگ بناى قانون اساسى اين رژيم است. هر كس كه به حاكميت و راى آزاد جمهور مردم ايران پاى‌بند است، با ماست و ما با او هستيم.

    در مصاف تاريخى مردم ايران با نظام پليد ولايت و شخص ولىفقيه ارتجاع، گفتهايم و تكرار مى‌كنيم كه، به‌رغم هر آنچه موسوى يا ديگران عليه مجاهدين و مقاومت ايران گفته باشند يا بگويند، هر گونه تعرض به آنها و خانواده و اطرافيانشان را قوياً محكوم مى‌كنيم و به ولىفقيه ارتجاع اخطار مى‌كنيم كه مسئوليت دستگيرى و محاكمه و مجازات موسوى و هر گونه اقدام تروريستى مشخصاً و مستقيماً برعهده شخص خامنهاى است. علاوه بر اين، در پى صدور پنجاهو ششمين قطعنامه مللمتحد درباره نقض وحشتناك حقوقبشر در ايران، از دبيركل مللمتحد و كميسر عالى حقوقبشر باز هم مى‌خواهيم كه در همين خصوص يك هيأت ثابت نظارت بينالمللى براى نگهبانى از حقوقبشر و به‌ويژه آزادى بيان و اجتماعات در تهران مستقر كند.

    واضح است كه باند خامنهاى و شركا به غايت تلاش مى‌كنند كروبى و موسوى و اطرافيان و نظاير آنها را متقاعد كنند كه به شرط تاييد يا شراكت در سركوب مجاهدين و مقاومت ايران و موضعگيرى عليه آنها، از تيغ آخته ولايت در امان خواهند بود. تلاش مىكنند مانند لاريجانى، رئيس مجلس ارتجاع، آنها را قدم به قدم به همسفرى و هم سفرگى مجدد در همين راستا بكشانند. اما واقعيت اين‌ است كه كار از اين چيزها گذشته و مواضع و برچسبهاى پيشين به مجاهدين ديگر اثر ندارد و مشكلى حل نمى‌كند. چرا كه ولايت يزيدى فقط انقياد و تسليم مطلق مى‌طلبد و حالا ديگر در سراشيب سرنگونى، صرف لفاظى عليه مجاهدين و مقاومت ايران دردى را از او دوا نمى‌كند.
    خامنهاى و خبرگان دستنشانده او فرصت جايگزين كردن منتظرى براى فراهم كردن مقدمات يك انتخابات آزاد را كه به آنان اندرز داده بوديم، از دست دادند. انحلال خبرگان ارتجاع را هم بگوش نگرفتند و زيانكار شدند. باشد تا در قدمهاى بعد مانند آتشبس تحميلى، انهدام آن را به‌دست پرتوان مردم ايران به‌چشم ببينند.

    نيروهاى انقلاب دموكراتيك مردم ايران و ارتش بزرگ آزادى
    از دود و دم ارتجاع رو به زوال نبايد واهمه داشت. مرعوب تنوره كشيدن ديو ولايت نشويد.
    مانند مجاهدان اشرف، درمنتهاى شجاعت و دلاورى، «بيا بيا» بگوييد. يعنى كه اگر رژيم و نيروهاى سركوبگر آن قصد تهاجم و وحشيگرى بيشترى دارند، بيا بيا، تا نشانت بدهيم.

    كليد پيروزى و اصل طلايى، دراين شرايط، حداكثرتهاجم است.
    هم‌چنان‌كه در قيام كبير عاشورا ديديم، رژيم ولايت حالا ديگر گرگ كاغذى است. به‌شرط اين‌كه در هر آرايش و حركتى اصالت را به جمع بدهيد. جمع، توان كوه دارد و فرد را حفظ و حراست مى‌كند و با خود بالا مىبرد. اقشار مختلف مردم به‌ويژه كارگران و دهقانان را بيش از پيش به اعتراض و اعتصاب و مقاومت و به صفوف قيام و ارتش آزادى فرا بخوانيد.

    آهاى بچههاى اشرفنشان در تهران و شهرهاى شعلهور ايران، اى كسانى‌كه شعار مى‌دهيد «يا حجة بن الحسن! ريشهٴ ظلمو بكن!»، گوش كنيد:
    زمان آن رسيده است كه اسم خيابان مصدق را هم برگردانيد. همان نام بزرگى كه مردم در جريان انقلاب ضدسلطنتى گذاشته بودند. خمينى با دجاليت بر خيابان مصدق، نام ولى عصرگذاشت تا كسى نتواند خرده بگيرد. راهش اينست كه هر كجا را خمينى به‌نام خودش نامگذارى كرده، ولىعصر بخوانيد تا هم قائم منتظر عنايت كند و لكه ننگ خمينى از دامن ايران و اسلام پاك شود، و هم، به‌رغم خمينى، راه و رسم پيشواى فقيد نهضت ملى الگو و درس و شاخصى براى همه افراد و جريانهاى سياسى شود؛ الگوى دموكراسى و حاكميت مردم، درس سازش ناپذيرى، و شاخص ايستادگى بر سر حقوق ملت ايران.
    رود خروشان خون شهيدان در پرتو مهر تابان مقاومت و آزادى ايران ضامن پيروزى محتوم خلق ماست

  29. Residents of Camp Ashraf, my aunt and uncle included, are dedicated to the cause of freedom and democracy in Iran. They have dedicated all they have to this cause. Most are the top graduates of best colleges in Iran, Europe and the United States. They left a good and “normal” life behind so nation of Iran could one day enjoy a free and prosperous life. They have no fight with anyone except the Iranian regime which has systematically executed and tortured tens of thousands of Iranians since 1979. They have no enemy but the ayatollahs’ regime in Iran. They are threat to no one except this murderous regime. Accordingly, no body is their enemy except that regime, its supporters, and its agents in Iraq. No one can claim to be a true human rights advocate if he or she stays silent about the human rights violation of Ashraf residents. They have no problem with government of Iraq. But they will do insist and make a stand to defend on their internationally recognized human rights which among other things makes it illegal for Iraqi government to displace them with force and against their will to any location, let alone a detentions center in the deserts of southern Iraq which is really a death camp.

  30. Residents of camp ashraf are a real dedicated freedom fighters and a real sworn enemies of tyrant regime of Iran that obviously in front the world's eyes brutally suppresses its own people .And USA is responsible for their protection under the 4th Geneva convention.Hence they should be protected from any forcible removal and relocation, and any kind of sanction.any harm to camp ashraf residents is in favor of regime of Iran which in turns advocates and promotes terrorism and threat to peace in the region by their efforts to get their hand on nukes.please prevent another catastrophe by protecting camp Ashraf with UN delegations.thanks .

  31. I thank Amnesty for its efforts to prevent any humanitarian catasrophe at Camp Ashraf . As of January 2009 when the control of Camp transfered to Iraqi forces, all inhuman pressures started on residents of Camp including massacre of July 28 and 29. Therefore all the facts indicate that the Iraqi government particularly its prime minister Nori Al Malki neither has intention nor capable and eligible to protect the Camp Ashraf. Also considering USA has a responsibility towards these people who gave up their arms in 2003 in return for their security by the American Government who recognized them as “Protected Persons” under Geneva Conventions. I believe the rules should be followed and the people of camp Ashraf should not be forced to leave. The control of Camp must be transfer to United Nation Forces until the final disposition for the 3400 residents of Camp Ashraf is reached.

  32. Millions of Iranians are suffering from sever poverty, yet Iranian Mullahs for sake of staying in power spend millions of dollars every month on their agents to spread lies about PMOI and Ashraf residents. Any negative comments expressed here or anywhre else about PMOI and Ashraf residents are products of either Mullahs' agents or naive people under influnce of the propagnda of Iranian Mullahs' agents throughout the world. I hope one day very soon that Mullahs are swept into garbage can of history, then Iranian people hold an international court and all these crimes would be investigated. Even if one percent of what any one who expressed negative comment about PMOI and Ashraf residents is true, still Human Rights of Ashraf residents cannot be denied and those who says it is OK they deserve to be harmed for whatever reason then shoul look into a mirror and ask if they deserve to be called a human!

  33. Thank you AI USA for all your hard efforts and actions taken regarding human rights issues in Camp Ashraf. Mr. Maleki, as the leader of the Iraqi government, must understand that he cannot disobey its own as well as international laws regarding refugees given protected status under the 4th Geneva Convention. Camp Ashraf residents are desert pearls who have for long devoted their lives to free Iran from the hands of evil forces.Such threats and unlawful remarks made by Mr. Maleki cannot be and should not be tolerated by the free and civilized world.
    The AI Organization and the UN have the greatest responsibility to make certain that the Camp Ashraf Residents’ Protected Status will not be invaded by some barberic and evil forces that do not belong to our civilized world. Thank you.

  34. Hallo,
    wir bedanken uns bei Ihnen,wenn Sie die iranische Friedenkämpfer in Camp Ashraf helfen können.Unsere familie und Verwandte machen Sorge,weil die Ashrafbewohner immer noch in der Gefahr und in der Unterdrückung von der irakische Regierung sind.
    Unser wichtiger Wunsch ist die Unterstützung der Leute in Ashraf.
    Thank you for your help

  35. Hello,
    we thank you if you can help the Iranian peace fighters in camp Ashraf. Ours familie and relatives give trouble because the Ashraf inhabitant are still in the danger and in the suppression of the Iraqi government.
    Our important wish is the support of the people in Ashraf.
    Thank you for your help

  36. L'ONU est responsable de la protection de modjahedin d'Ashraf.
    ils sont protegees par la 4em convention de Geneve.

    – Ashraf residens are protected persons under fourth Geneva conention

  37. با سلام
    من یک خواهش دارم از شما که بروید از ساکنان اشرف در مورد آیندشون سئوال کنیم. از هزاران وکیل و پارلمانتر که از اشرف حمایت میکنند سئوال کنید. از میلیونها عراقی که از مجاهدین در اشرف حمایت کردنند سئوال کنید. جابجایی و انتقال مجاهدین در اشرف جنایت علیه بشریت میباشد. جامعه جهانی بویژه آمریکا تا همین امروز به تعهداتش در مقابل اشرف عمل نکرده و باید مواظب باشیم که حوادث واتفاقاتی که اتفاق افتاده دیگر تکرار نشود. در ضمن اشرفی ها در چند مرحله جواب سئوال شما و دیگران را داده اند. شما باید به آنها کمک کنید که به خواستهایشان برسند.

    با سپاسگزاری از شما

    You must ask inhabitant in the Ashraf. But:

    I and my family appreciate amnesty and all other organization for supporting ashraf human right. We appreciate 5.2 million Iraqis signed a decleration in 2006 supporting the presence of the pmoi and other three million Iraqis (shi:ites) signed a similar decleration in jul 2008. And …

    Camp Ashraf residents are considered Protected Persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention, any displacement is a crime against humanity. Now it is the time that UN has a permanant base inside the Camp to protect the basic human rights of the residents of Camp Ashraf.

    They are the most respected freedom fighters.

    We love ashraf.

  38. Residents of camp ashraf are a real dedicated freedom fighters and a real sworn enemies of tyrant regime of Iran that obviously in front the world’s eyes brutally suppresses its own people .And USA is responsible for their protection under the 4th Geneva convention.Hence they should be protected from any forcible removal and relocation, and any kind of sanction.any harm to camp ashraf residents is in favor of regime of Iran which in turns advocates and promotes terrorism and threat to peace in the region by their efforts to get their hand on nukes.please prevent another catastrophe by protecting camp Ashraf with UN delegations.thanks .

  39. I thank Amnesty for its efforts to prevent any humanitarian catasrophe at Camp Ashraf . As of January 2009 when the control of Camp transfered to Iraqi forces, all inhuman pressures started on residents of Camp including massacre of July 28 and 29. Therefore all the facts indicate that the Iraqi government particularly its prime minister Nori Al Malki neither has intention nor capable and eligible to protect the Camp Ashraf. Also considering USA has a responsibility towards these people who gave up their arms in 2003 in return for their security by the American Government who recognized them as “Protected Persons” under Geneva Conventions. I believe the rules should be followed and the people of camp Ashraf should not be forced to leave. The control of Camp must be transfer to United Nation Forces until the final disposition for the 3400 residents of Camp Ashraf is reached.

  40. Hello,
    we thank you if you can help the Iranian peace fighters in camp Ashraf. Ours familie and relatives give trouble because the Ashraf inhabitant are still in the danger and in the suppression of the Iraqi government.
    Our important wish is the support of the people in Ashraf.
    Thank you for your help

  41. Millions of Iranians are suffering from sever poverty, yet Iranian Mullahs for sake of staying in power spend millions of dollars every month on their agents to spread lies about PMOI and Ashraf residents. Any negative comments expressed here or anywhre else about PMOI and Ashraf residents are products of either Mullahs’ agents or naive people under influnce of the propagnda of Iranian Mullahs’ agents throughout the world. I hope one day very soon that Mullahs are swept into garbage can of history, then Iranian people hold an international court and all these crimes would be investigated. Even if one percent of what any one who expressed negative comment about PMOI and Ashraf residents is true, still Human Rights of Ashraf residents cannot be denied and those who says it is OK they deserve to be harmed for whatever reason then shoul look into a mirror and ask if they deserve to be called a human!

  42. Protection of Ashraf city is one of UN responsibilities because of the 4th GENEVA CONVENTION.
    Their displacement is the regimes wish and it is too dangerous because its about human right and their protection. If they dont get protection it can end with a masacre and execution of 3400 iranian freedom fighters in Ashraf.

    Watch this! CNN report on Ashraf city.

  43. Hallo,
    wir bedanken uns bei Ihnen,wenn Sie die iranische Friedenkämpfer in Camp Ashraf helfen können.Unsere familie und Verwandte machen Sorge,weil die Ashrafbewohner immer noch in der Gefahr und in der Unterdrückung von der irakische Regierung sind.
    Unser wichtiger Wunsch ist die Unterstützung der Leute in Ashraf.
    Thank you for your help

  44. Hello,
    we thank you if you can help the Iranian peace fighters in camp Ashraf. Ours familie and relatives give trouble because the Ashraf inhabitant are still in the danger and in the suppression of the Iraqi government.
    Our important wish is the support of the people in Ashraf.
    Thank you for your help

  45. Protection of Ashraf city is one of UN responsibilities because of the 4th GENEVA CONVENTION.
    Their displacement is the regimes wish and it is too dangerous because its about human right and their protection. If they dont get protection it can end with a masacre and execution of 3400 iranian freedom fighters in Ashraf.

    Watch this! CNN report on Ashraf city.

  46. Protection of Ashraf city is one of UN responsibilities because of the 4th GENEVA CONVENTION.
    Their displacement is the regimes wish and it is too dangerous because its about human right and their protection. If they dont get protection it can end with a masacre and execution of 3400 iranian freedom fighters in Ashraf.

    Watch this! CNN report on Ashraf city.

  47. L’ONU est responsable de la protection de modjahedin d’Ashraf.
    ils sont protegees par la 4em convention de Geneve.

    – Ashraf residens are protected persons under fourth Geneva conention

  48. I thank Amnesty for its efforts to prevent any humanitarian catasrophe at Ashraf city in the hard position in this year.
    As an Iranian against millas regim, I request UN to protect the Ashrafcity.because Maleki is not able to protect ashraf.
    Maleki proved that he is only an Stooge of the regime

  49. با سلام
    من یک خواهش دارم از شما که بروید از ساکنان اشرف در مورد آیندشون سئوال کنیم. از هزاران وکیل و پارلمانتر که از اشرف حمایت میکنند سئوال کنید. از میلیونها عراقی که از مجاهدین در اشرف حمایت کردنند سئوال کنید. جابجایی و انتقال مجاهدین در اشرف جنایت علیه بشریت میباشد. جامعه جهانی بویژه آمریکا تا همین امروز به تعهداتش در مقابل اشرف عمل نکرده و باید مواظب باشیم که حوادث واتفاقاتی که اتفاق افتاده دیگر تکرار نشود. در ضمن اشرفی ها در چند مرحله جواب سئوال شما و دیگران را داده اند. شما باید به آنها کمک کنید که به خواستهایشان برسند.

    با سپاسگزاری از شما

    You must ask inhabitant in the Ashraf. But:

    I and my family appreciate amnesty and all other organization for supporting ashraf human right. We appreciate 5.2 million Iraqis signed a decleration in 2006 supporting the presence of the pmoi and other three million Iraqis (shi:ites) signed a similar decleration in jul 2008. And …

    Camp Ashraf residents are considered Protected Persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention, any displacement is a crime against humanity. Now it is the time that UN has a permanant base inside the Camp to protect the basic human rights of the residents of Camp Ashraf.

    They are the most respected freedom fighters.

    We love ashraf.

  50. I thank Amnesty for the work that they do for Human Rights. I as an Iranian have the most respect for the people in Camp Ashraf, They are the most wonderful human being in the world, they have sacrifice everything for Iranian people.

  51. Hello,
    we thank you if you can help the Iranian peace fighters in camp Ashraf. Ours familie and relatives give trouble because the Ashraf inhabitant are still in the danger and in the suppression of the Iraqi government.
    Our important wish is the support of the people in Ashraf.
    Thank you for your help

  52. The residents of Ashraf are protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention.

    The coalition is responsible for the safety and security of its residents.

    There is nothing too complicated about that, is there???

  53. I have many family members in Camp Ashraf and I ask that the American forces do what they promised to do when they signed agreements with each and every resident of the camp. How can they disarm people and then leave them to get attacked and furthermore to stand by and do nothing whilst they are being attacked. What happened to all those promises to the American people from President Obama?

  54. Protection of Ashraf city is one of UN responsibilities because of the 4th GENEVA CONVENTION.
    Their displacement is the regimes wish and it is too dangerous because its about human right and their protection. If they dont get protection it can end with a masacre and execution of 3400 iranian freedom fighters in Ashraf.

    Watch this! CNN report on Ashraf city.

  55. I thank Amnesty for its efforts to prevent any humanitarian catasrophe at Ashraf city in the hard position in this year.
    As an Iranian against millas regim, I request UN to protect the Ashrafcity.because Maleki is not able to protect ashraf.
    Maleki proved that he is only an Stooge of the regime

  56. Thanks to Amnesty for everything you are doing to draw the attentions to the plight of the residents of Ashraf. As a jurist, I can tell you that with regards to Ashraf and its residents, one thing must be recognised by all governments including the US and Iraqi governments that no state in the world can violate its international obligations under the pretext of sovereignty. President Obama recently criticised the Iranian regime that it violates international law and covenants while killing the protestors in the streets. The same applies to the Iraqi government. They can not supress the residents of Ashraf, exple them or relocate them unlawfully under the pretext of sovereignty. Ashraf residents are protected persons under the 4th Geneva Convention and this puts a serious obligation on the shoulders of the US government as well as the Iraqi government. Iraqi Prime Minister has proved to be too much under the control of the Iranian regime to be competent to protect Ashraf residents. Iraq neither wants nor is capable of protectng Ashraf and therefore US must step in and fulfill its obligations.

  57. I thank Amnesty for the work that they do for Human Rights. I as an Iranian have the most respect for the people in Camp Ashraf, They are the most wonderful human being in the world, they have sacrifice everything for Iranian people.

  58. The residents of Ashraf are protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention.

    The coalition is responsible for the safety and security of its residents.

    There is nothing too complicated about that, is there???

  59. I have many family members in Camp Ashraf and I ask that the American forces do what they promised to do when they signed agreements with each and every resident of the camp. How can they disarm people and then leave them to get attacked and furthermore to stand by and do nothing whilst they are being attacked. What happened to all those promises to the American people from President Obama?

  60. Thanks to Amnesty for everything you are doing to draw the attentions to the plight of the residents of Ashraf. As a jurist, I can tell you that with regards to Ashraf and its residents, one thing must be recognised by all governments including the US and Iraqi governments that no state in the world can violate its international obligations under the pretext of sovereignty. President Obama recently criticised the Iranian regime that it violates international law and covenants while killing the protestors in the streets. The same applies to the Iraqi government. They can not supress the residents of Ashraf, exple them or relocate them unlawfully under the pretext of sovereignty. Ashraf residents are protected persons under the 4th Geneva Convention and this puts a serious obligation on the shoulders of the US government as well as the Iraqi government. Iraqi Prime Minister has proved to be too much under the control of the Iranian regime to be competent to protect Ashraf residents. Iraq neither wants nor is capable of protectng Ashraf and therefore US must step in and fulfill its obligations.

  61. I have family members in Camp Ashraf and The residents of Ashraf are protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention.
    because Maleki is not able to protect ashraf.

  62. AI USA should be praised for having raised the issue. In fact, what residents of Ashraf have undergone during seven years since the American war on Irak, in general; and what they have encontered during last year after Iraki forces took control of the camp, particularly, is a clear case of Rights violation by several governments, starting with the US, then through the Irak, and stopping by European countries not willing to take their part in this issue.
    But the problem is not limited to a case of Rights' violations. In fact, this is a brilliant case of International law which merits to be studied with great interest. It should be the first time an independant entity, based merely on legal aspects inspired by international law, manages to register, through internationally acknowledged organizations, its fundamental rights; and more important, gets a faire amount of international action in order to mqke responsible parites comply with those rights.
    This is a victory for those people, and for all those organizations taking part in this.
    So it is more important to prevent any violation of those rights, now that they are acknowledged. The Iraqi decision to relocate these people goes certainly against those rights, so it should be prevented. This is not only an issue between Ashraf residents and the Iraqi government, but an issue crucial to the international rule of law.

  63. I have family members in Camp Ashraf and The residents of Ashraf are protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention.
    because Maleki is not able to protect ashraf.

  64. Ashrafs invånare är iranier tillhör olika etniska ,kulturella,minirioter,till och med
    religiösa mångfalld . en kararaktär och symbol för framtida Iran.De är Iranier som alla iranier skall vara stolta över för att i kamp för demokrati de alldrig gav upp målet.När alla ledande länder tyckte att man kan inte besegra de
    fundamentalistiska krafterna i Iran ,nå demokrati i landet Iran det var just
    de som inte har gett upp hoppet.De är en garanti för säkerhet, balans, en
    säkert partner för dialog för fred i regional som global.
    Deras ord och handling är i riktning FNs grund stadgar för mänskliga och fri rättigheter.Man kan alldrig fårlåta de som kränker människliga rättigheter
    för de här iranier har livet insatt för demokrati.
    Det är nödvändig att internationella krafter som FN tar upp frågan Camp Ashraf
    mycket allvar. Det är miljoner iranier myckert irriterade över de länder som
    skapat en läge ,där invånarer känner sig osäkert.en invation till campen
    kan radikalisera ytterligare inne i Iran.

  65. من به عنوان یک ایرانی که در جوامع دموکراتیک زندگی میکنم باید اقرار کنم که .چگونه حقوق پایه ای
    بشر در جهان غرب یک چیز بسیار پیش پا افتاده است برای مردم ما توسط خود غربی ها نقض میشود
    من از این ظلمی که به این ایرانیان شرافتمند میشود در وجدان خود احساس شرم و گناه میکنم زیرا دولت ما در سوید از پول ما مالیات دهندگان در جنگ عراق برای دموکراسی شرکت داشت .
    بنابراین جای آن دارد سلامتی این ساکنان شهر اشرف از طریق سازمان ملل تامین شود.

  66. AI USA should be praised for having raised the issue. In fact, what residents of Ashraf have undergone during seven years since the American war on Irak, in general; and what they have encontered during last year after Iraki forces took control of the camp, particularly, is a clear case of Rights violation by several governments, starting with the US, then through the Irak, and stopping by European countries not willing to take their part in this issue.
    But the problem is not limited to a case of Rights’ violations. In fact, this is a brilliant case of International law which merits to be studied with great interest. It should be the first time an independant entity, based merely on legal aspects inspired by international law, manages to register, through internationally acknowledged organizations, its fundamental rights; and more important, gets a faire amount of international action in order to mqke responsible parites comply with those rights.
    This is a victory for those people, and for all those organizations taking part in this.
    So it is more important to prevent any violation of those rights, now that they are acknowledged. The Iraqi decision to relocate these people goes certainly against those rights, so it should be prevented. This is not only an issue between Ashraf residents and the Iraqi government, but an issue crucial to the international rule of law.

  67. I demand of Amnesty International that they should live up their reputation for being a for peace and human rights standing organisation and keeping – after disarming the PMOI by the USA – in safety. Thousands of people in this organisation are fighting against the terror-regime in Iran and especially now, where Iran's people need the most support in the fight for reaching freedom and human rights, this group is an essential organisation for holding the flame of freedom in flaring. In this situation the PMOI isn't exposed to a pressure like this because they have to concentrate their full power for supporting Iran's people who risks this days their lifes for the principles that Your organisation follows.
    Thank You for Your attention.

  68. Ashrafs invånare är iranier tillhör olika etniska ,kulturella,minirioter,till och med
    religiösa mångfalld . en kararaktär och symbol för framtida Iran.De är Iranier som alla iranier skall vara stolta över för att i kamp för demokrati de alldrig gav upp målet.När alla ledande länder tyckte att man kan inte besegra de
    fundamentalistiska krafterna i Iran ,nå demokrati i landet Iran det var just
    de som inte har gett upp hoppet.De är en garanti för säkerhet, balans, en
    säkert partner för dialog för fred i regional som global.
    Deras ord och handling är i riktning FNs grund stadgar för mänskliga och fri rättigheter.Man kan alldrig fårlåta de som kränker människliga rättigheter
    för de här iranier har livet insatt för demokrati.
    Det är nödvändig att internationella krafter som FN tar upp frågan Camp Ashraf
    mycket allvar. Det är miljoner iranier myckert irriterade över de länder som
    skapat en läge ,där invånarer känner sig osäkert.en invation till campen
    kan radikalisera ytterligare inne i Iran.

  69. If Ashraf will not resist against the repressive mullahs and agains the islamic fundamentalism of Iran, nobody and no country will !!!
    The right of every human is to resist, to stand for their freedom, and so is writen in the United Nations' human rights, so now it's the time to defend their protection and their rights to stay in Ashraf, or to go to Iran, with the garantee of the freedom of speech and expression!!!
    Thank Amnesty for their beautifull work!!!

  70. من به عنوان یک ایرانی که در جوامع دموکراتیک زندگی میکنم باید اقرار کنم که .چگونه حقوق پایه ای
    بشر در جهان غرب یک چیز بسیار پیش پا افتاده است برای مردم ما توسط خود غربی ها نقض میشود
    من از این ظلمی که به این ایرانیان شرافتمند میشود در وجدان خود احساس شرم و گناه میکنم زیرا دولت ما در سوید از پول ما مالیات دهندگان در جنگ عراق برای دموکراسی شرکت داشت .
    بنابراین جای آن دارد سلامتی این ساکنان شهر اشرف از طریق سازمان ملل تامین شود.

  71. I demand of Amnesty International that they should live up their reputation for being a for peace and human rights standing organisation and keeping – after disarming the PMOI by the USA – in safety. Thousands of people in this organisation are fighting against the terror-regime in Iran and especially now, where Iran’s people need the most support in the fight for reaching freedom and human rights, this group is an essential organisation for holding the flame of freedom in flaring. In this situation the PMOI isn’t exposed to a pressure like this because they have to concentrate their full power for supporting Iran’s people who risks this days their lifes for the principles that Your organisation follows.
    Thank You for Your attention.

  72. Maleki and his government is a label for the iranian regime, Maleki has worked for the Iraninan regime before he got this post in iraq and has done many illegal assignements. So maleki is like Khamenei in Iraq, ofcourse he wants to get PMOI from there. But Maleki cant do anything, He took a stone bigger than his weight…and that is proved.

  73. Well-done Amnesty International,as a member of Amnesty in Australia I'm proud of the you.The Iraqi Government is responsible for safty of the camp because they are protected by The International Law

  74. If Ashraf will not resist against the repressive mullahs and agains the islamic fundamentalism of Iran, nobody and no country will !!!
    The right of every human is to resist, to stand for their freedom, and so is writen in the United Nations’ human rights, so now it’s the time to defend their protection and their rights to stay in Ashraf, or to go to Iran, with the garantee of the freedom of speech and expression!!!
    Thank Amnesty for their beautifull work!!!

  75. Maleki and his government is a label for the iranian regime, Maleki has worked for the Iraninan regime before he got this post in iraq and has done many illegal assignements. So maleki is like Khamenei in Iraq, ofcourse he wants to get PMOI from there. But Maleki cant do anything, He took a stone bigger than his weight…and that is proved.

  76. Well-done Amnesty International,as a member of Amnesty in Australia I’m proud of the you.The Iraqi Government is responsible for safty of the camp because they are protected by The International Law

  77. Since 2003 , Tehran has been insisting that Iran’s main dissident group based in Iraq, be forcible repatriated to Iran. Peoples Mojahedin Organization of Iran have legal status under international humanitarian under fourth Geneva Convention relative to protection for civilian person in time of war.

    In June 2004 , the United States government and the Multi-National forces-Iraq , granted members of the Peoples Mojahedin of Iran ( MEK/PMOI) in Camp Ashraf , Iraq , protected person status under Fourth Geneva Convention.

    In March 20, 2007 , the international Committee for red Cross(ICRC) reminded the relevant authorities of their obligation to act in accordance with the principle of non-refoulement . This law stipulates that resident of Camp Ashraf must not be deported ,expelled, repatriated or displaced inside Iraq in violation of the relevant provisions of International Law.

    Additionally , the United Nations High Commissioner for refuges(UNHCR)has reaffirmed their refugee status in Iraq (March06,2007).

    The U.S. must maintain its commitment to uphold the legal and humanitarian obligation as they relate to the peoples of Ashraf. In other to prevent a near certain slaughter of these refuges by the Iranian regime and its proxies, and large scale humanitarian catastrophe , the U.S. government must retain the sole responsibility for their protection in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention rules as commitment to international law , and human rights law.

    Kasra Nejat

  78. I would like to thank the Amnesty efforts to prevent any human catastrophe all over the world and specially about the residents of Ashraf Camp. I am not Iranian but I know the Iranian opposition for about 25 years. they had very hard days to disclose all the atrocities of this religious dictatorship in Iran and every day facing conspiracy and plot managed by this inhuman regime which whole world witnessed how they run over their own people by car and killing them very inhumanly. Displacement of Ashraf is one of those plots by Iranian regime to destroy their opposition and I don't see any reason to move them from Ashraf to another place in Iraq. so I strongly disagree the movement of Ashraf resident in Iraq. Again I thank you all activities of Amnesty International for its support of Human Rights and Human values Helen Stewart

  79. Since 2003 , Tehran has been insisting that Iran’s main dissident group based in Iraq, be forcible repatriated to Iran. Peoples Mojahedin Organization of Iran have legal status under international humanitarian under fourth Geneva Convention relative to protection for civilian person in time of war.

    In June 2004 , the United States government and the Multi-National forces-Iraq , granted members of the Peoples Mojahedin of Iran ( MEK/PMOI) in Camp Ashraf , Iraq , protected person status under Fourth Geneva Convention.

    In March 20, 2007 , the international Committee for red Cross(ICRC) reminded the relevant authorities of their obligation to act in accordance with the principle of non-refoulement . This law stipulates that resident of Camp Ashraf must not be deported ,expelled, repatriated or displaced inside Iraq in violation of the relevant provisions of International Law.

    Additionally , the United Nations High Commissioner for refuges(UNHCR)has reaffirmed their refugee status in Iraq (March06,2007).

    The U.S. must maintain its commitment to uphold the legal and humanitarian obligation as they relate to the peoples of Ashraf. In other to prevent a near certain slaughter of these refuges by the Iranian regime and its proxies, and large scale humanitarian catastrophe , the U.S. government must retain the sole responsibility for their protection in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention rules as commitment to international law , and human rights law.

    Kasra Nejat

  80. Since 2003 , Tehran has been insisting that Iran’s main dissident group based in Iraq, be forcible repatriated to Iran. Peoples Mojahedin Organization of Iran have legal status under international humanitarian under fourth Geneva Convention relative to protection for civilian person in time of war.

    In June 2004 , the United States government and the Multi-National forces-Iraq , granted members of the Peoples Mojahedin of Iran ( MEK/PMOI) in Camp Ashraf , Iraq , protected person status under Fourth Geneva Convention.

    In March 20, 2007 , the international Committee for red Cross(ICRC) reminded the relevant authorities of their obligation to act in accordance with the principle of non-refoulement . This law stipulates that resident of Camp Ashraf must not be deported ,expelled, repatriated or displaced inside Iraq in violation of the relevant provisions of International Law.

    Additionally , the United Nations High Commissioner for refuges(UNHCR)has reaffirmed their refugee status in Iraq (March06,2007).

    The U.S. must maintain its commitment to uphold the legal and humanitarian obligation as they relate to the peoples of Ashraf. In other to prevent a near certain slaughter of these refuges by the Iranian regime and its proxies, and large scale humanitarian catastrophe , the U.S. government must retain the sole responsibility for their protection in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention rules as commitment to international law , and human rights law.

    Kasra Nejat

  81. Since 2003 , Tehran has been insisting that Iran’s main dissident group based in Iraq, be forcible repatriated to Iran. Peoples Mojahedin Organization of Iran have legal status under international humanitarian under fourth Geneva Convention relative to protection for civilian person in time of war.

    In June 2004 , the United States government and the Multi-National forces-Iraq , granted members of the Peoples Mojahedin of Iran ( MEK/PMOI) in Camp Ashraf , Iraq , protected person status under Fourth Geneva Convention.

    In March 20, 2007 , the international Committee for red Cross(ICRC) reminded the relevant authorities of their obligation to act in accordance with the principle of non-refoulement . This law stipulates that resident of Camp Ashraf must not be deported ,expelled, repatriated or displaced inside Iraq in violation of the relevant provisions of International Law.

    Additionally , the United Nations High Commissioner for refuges(UNHCR)has reaffirmed their refugee status in Iraq (March06,2007).

    The U.S. must maintain its commitment to uphold the legal and humanitarian obligation as they relate to the peoples of Ashraf. In other to prevent a near certain slaughter of these refuges by the Iranian regime and its proxies, and large scale humanitarian catastrophe , the U.S. government must retain the sole responsibility for their protection in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention rules as commitment to international law , and human rights law.

    Kasra Nejat

  82. Since 2003 , Tehran has been insisting that Iran’s main dissident group based in Iraq, be forcible repatriated to Iran. Peoples Mojahedin Organization of Iran have legal status under international humanitarian under fourth Geneva Convention relative to protection for civilian person in time of war.

    In June 2004 , the United States government and the Multi-National forces-Iraq , granted members of the Peoples Mojahedin of Iran ( MEK/PMOI) in Camp Ashraf , Iraq , protected person status under Fourth Geneva Convention.

    In March 20, 2007 , the international Committee for red Cross(ICRC) reminded the relevant authorities of their obligation to act in accordance with the principle of non-refoulement . This law stipulates that resident of Camp Ashraf must not be deported ,expelled, repatriated or displaced inside Iraq in violation of the relevant provisions of International Law.

    Additionally , the United Nations High Commissioner for refuges(UNHCR)has reaffirmed their refugee status in Iraq (March06,2007).

    The U.S. must maintain its commitment to uphold the legal and humanitarian obligation as they relate to the peoples of Ashraf. In other to prevent a near certain slaughter of these refuges by the Iranian regime and its proxies, and large scale humanitarian catastrophe , the U.S. government must retain the sole responsibility for their protection in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention rules as commitment to international law , and human rights law.

    Kasra Nejat

  83. Since 2003 , Tehran has been insisting that Iran’s main dissident group based in Iraq, be forcible repatriated to Iran. Peoples Mojahedin Organization of Iran have legal status under international humanitarian under fourth Geneva Convention relative to protection for civilian person in time of war.

    In June 2004 , the United States government and the Multi-National forces-Iraq , granted members of the Peoples Mojahedin of Iran ( MEK/PMOI) in Camp Ashraf , Iraq , protected person status under Fourth Geneva Convention.

    In March 20, 2007 , the international Committee for red Cross(ICRC) reminded the relevant authorities of their obligation to act in accordance with the principle of non-refoulement . This law stipulates that resident of Camp Ashraf must not be deported ,expelled, repatriated or displaced inside Iraq in violation of the relevant provisions of International Law.

    Additionally , the United Nations High Commissioner for refuges(UNHCR)has reaffirmed their refugee status in Iraq (March06,2007).

    The U.S. must maintain its commitment to uphold the legal and humanitarian obligation as they relate to the peoples of Ashraf. In other to prevent a near certain slaughter of these refuges by the Iranian regime and its proxies, and large scale humanitarian catastrophe , the U.S. government must retain the sole responsibility for their protection in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention rules as commitment to international law , and human rights law.

    Kasra Nejat

  84. As a British European citizen, I believe it is in all our interests to immediately intensify our efforts to support and protect the brave citizens of Ashraf. The opposition within Iran is gaining confidence and the regime is feeling threatened as evidenced by its increasingly brutal and extreme measures to suppress the freedom and human rights of its people, including the residents of Ashraf, through its manipulation of its Iraqi puppets. Are we going to continue to ‘pussy foot’ around the Mullahs in the hope of some temporary advantage or are we going to support those who could bring about genuine democratic change in their own country and as a result, significantly improve the prospect of peace in the region and a reduction of the threat of terrorism internationally? I have little understanding of the intricacies of world politics but the policies of our leaders appear to me to be hypocritical, dangerous (the threat of military intervention is ever present) and above all ineffectual. It remains up to us, the ordinary citizens of the world, to maintain the pressure on our leaders to work with those good and courageous Iranians, in Iran, in Ashraf and also in our own countries, who like us not only aspire towards peace, democracy and freedom in Iran and in the world but are sacrificing their lives in the pursuit of this cause. In the first instance, our leaders must insist on the protection of the people of Ashraf as specified by international law in the form of the Geneva Convention. If they are unable to do this, what faith can we have in the rule of international law at all? The single voice of an ordinary citizen is insignificant but I hope, that if enough ordinary citizens across the world make their opinions known the steps toward a better world, that handful of world leaders cannot or are currently unwilling to take can be made.

  85. I would like to thank the Amnesty efforts to prevent any human catastrophe all over the world and specially about the residents of Ashraf Camp. I am not Iranian but I know the Iranian opposition for about 25 years. they had very hard days to disclose all the atrocities of this religious dictatorship in Iran and every day facing conspiracy and plot managed by this inhuman regime which whole world witnessed how they run over their own people by car and killing them very inhumanly. Displacement of Ashraf is one of those plots by Iranian regime to destroy their opposition and I don’t see any reason to move them from Ashraf to another place in Iraq. so I strongly disagree the movement of Ashraf resident in Iraq. Again I thank you all activities of Amnesty International for its support of Human Rights and Human values Helen Stewart

  86. As a British European citizen, I believe it is in all our interests to immediately intensify our efforts to support and protect the brave citizens of Ashraf. The opposition within Iran is gaining confidence and the regime is feeling threatened as evidenced by its increasingly brutal and extreme measures to suppress the freedom and human rights of its people, including the residents of Ashraf, through its manipulation of its Iraqi puppets. Are we going to continue to ‘pussy foot’ around the Mullahs in the hope of some temporary advantage or are we going to support those who could bring about genuine democratic change in their own country and as a result, significantly improve the prospect of peace in the region and a reduction of the threat of terrorism internationally? I have little understanding of the intricacies of world politics but the policies of our leaders appear to me to be hypocritical, dangerous (the threat of military intervention is ever present) and above all ineffectual. It remains up to us, the ordinary citizens of the world, to maintain the pressure on our leaders to work with those good and courageous Iranians, in Iran, in Ashraf and also in our own countries, who like us not only aspire towards peace, democracy and freedom in Iran and in the world but are sacrificing their lives in the pursuit of this cause. In the first instance, our leaders must insist on the protection of the people of Ashraf as specified by international law in the form of the Geneva Convention. If they are unable to do this, what faith can we have in the rule of international law at all? The single voice of an ordinary citizen is insignificant but I hope, that if enough ordinary citizens across the world make their opinions known the steps toward a better world, that handful of world leaders cannot or are currently unwilling to take can be made.


    In June 2004 , the United States government and the Multi-National forces-Iraq , granted the Camp Ashraf residents in Iraq, protected person status under Fourth Geneva Convention.

    In March 20, 2007 , the international Committee for red Cross(ICRC) reminded the relevant authorities of their obligation to act in accordance with the principle of non-refoulement . This law stipulates that residents of Camp Ashraf must not be deported, expelled, repatriated or displaced inside Iraq in violation of the relevant provisions of International Law.

    Finally , the United Nations High Commissioner for refuges(UNHCR)has reaffirmed their refugee status in Iraq (March06,2007).

    Displacement of Ashraf is one of those plots by Iranian regime to destroy their opposition and I don’t see any reason to move them from Ashraf to another place in Iraq.

  88. This move is a violation of the Protected Persons act under Geneva conventions. Its a discrace that the US is letting this happen and thereby supporting the Iranian regime's desire to murder the innocent residents of Ashraf!


    In June 2004 , the United States government and the Multi-National forces-Iraq , granted the Camp Ashraf residents in Iraq, protected person status under Fourth Geneva Convention.

    In March 20, 2007 , the international Committee for red Cross(ICRC) reminded the relevant authorities of their obligation to act in accordance with the principle of non-refoulement . This law stipulates that residents of Camp Ashraf must not be deported, expelled, repatriated or displaced inside Iraq in violation of the relevant provisions of International Law.

    Finally , the United Nations High Commissioner for refuges(UNHCR)has reaffirmed their refugee status in Iraq (March06,2007).

    Displacement of Ashraf is one of those plots by Iranian regime to destroy their opposition and I don’t see any reason to move them from Ashraf to another place in Iraq.

  90. This move is a violation of the Protected Persons act under Geneva conventions. Its a discrace that the US is letting this happen and thereby supporting the Iranian regime’s desire to murder the innocent residents of Ashraf!

  91. Dear All,

    My sister is in Ashraf for more than 20 years. I need help from you and whoever can help to save these 3200 women and men in Ashraf city.

    I need an answer to these questions,
    Aren't these people under US protection?
    What is Geneva Convention?
    Didn't these people give up their arms?
    Who is responsible for the safety of these innocent people?

    Please Don't buy time for Iran's Terrorist regime.

  92. Dear All,

    My sister is in Ashraf for more than 20 years. I need help from you and whoever can help to save these 3200 women and men in Ashraf city.

    I need an answer to these questions,
    Aren’t these people under US protection?
    What is Geneva Convention?
    Didn’t these people give up their arms?
    Who is responsible for the safety of these innocent people?

    Please Don’t buy time for Iran’s Terrorist regime.

  93. It is no surprise that the Iraqi govt wants to destroy Camp Ashraf, since they are closely associated with the Iranian regime, who is desperately trying to control the situation in Iran by eliminating the Iranian resistance in any way it can.

    We cannot let the Iranian and Iraqi govts carry out this illegal and inhumane act, because it would mean the end of the lives of 3400 brave people who have been fighting against the Iranian regime, and also the end of hope for the freedom and democracy loving Iranian people both in Iran and all over the world.

    As a freedom and democracy loving Iranian I ask you to PLEASE PREVENT THIS HUMAN CATASTROPHY


  94. It is no surprise that the Iraqi govt wants to destroy Camp Ashraf, since they are closely associated with the Iranian regime, who is desperately trying to control the situation in Iran by eliminating the Iranian resistance in any way it can.

    We cannot let the Iranian and Iraqi govts carry out this illegal and inhumane act, because it would mean the end of the lives of 3400 brave people who have been fighting against the Iranian regime, and also the end of hope for the freedom and democracy loving Iranian people both in Iran and all over the world.

    As a freedom and democracy loving Iranian I ask you to PLEASE PREVENT THIS HUMAN CATASTROPHY


  95. Two reasons I can think of why the people of Ashraf must stay and be protected in Ashraf:
    1- Humanity. Under Geneva Convention the people of Ashraf are protected, so the international community should live up to it's commitment.
    2- Keeping Ashraf intact is a slap on the face to the savage IR regime occupying Iran and killing innocent people.
    Hence, AI, please do the right thing, act NOW and protect the people in Ashraf.
    Thank you so much.
    Shahriar – USA

  96. As a family member of an Ashraf resident, I would like to thank Amnestry International for watching the turn of events in Ashraf City and reporting it to the world. Iranian regime has been trying to remove or kill Ashraf residents for years. Unfortunately, now that the Maleki government has become one of Khamenei's mercenaries, the danger is greater than ever. If Ashraf residents are moved any where, have no doubt that they'll all be killed. Amnesty should keep pressing on this issue as it has already. We greatly appreciate Amnesty's efforts.

  97. Two reasons I can think of why the people of Ashraf must stay and be protected in Ashraf:
    1- Humanity. Under Geneva Convention the people of Ashraf are protected, so the international community should live up to it’s commitment.
    2- Keeping Ashraf intact is a slap on the face to the savage IR regime occupying Iran and killing innocent people.
    Hence, AI, please do the right thing, act NOW and protect the people in Ashraf.
    Thank you so much.
    Shahriar – USA

  98. As a family member of an Ashraf resident, I would like to thank Amnestry International for watching the turn of events in Ashraf City and reporting it to the world. Iranian regime has been trying to remove or kill Ashraf residents for years. Unfortunately, now that the Maleki government has become one of Khamenei’s mercenaries, the danger is greater than ever. If Ashraf residents are moved any where, have no doubt that they’ll all be killed. Amnesty should keep pressing on this issue as it has already. We greatly appreciate Amnesty’s efforts.

  99. As a free human being I cannot be blind about the terrible situation that the residents of Ashraf city are living by several months, just because are dissidents of one of the most cruel and horrible dictatorship in all the world,the iranian regime, based on the fondamentalist view of the Islam religion.
    So it make me wonder how can be possible that want to be a free human being could be a guilty?So the Ashraf's residents are guilty to be and to want to be in their country, one day, free persons?
    the iraqi government's utlimatum goes to show that is determined to carry out this unlawful step, which itself prepares the ground for the massacre of Ashraf residents.This is an act that is considered a war crime and a crime against humanity.
    Despite this the Iraqi government has not abandoned its threat and infact has cut off fuel to Ashraf during this cold season and has also stopped all medicine and physicians visits in all these months.
    So which are the urgent actions that I'm strongly asking?
    1) To guarantee the protection of 3,400 people of Ashraf in according to the Fourth Geneva Convention and so they CANNOT BE FORCIBLY MOVED FROM ASHRAF ;
    2) to remind to the american administration the promise to guarantee this protection to the Ashraf ' city
    Best Wishes
    Abbas Pishbin

  100. As a free human being I cannot be blind about the terrible situation that the residents of Ashraf city are living by several months, just because are dissidents of one of the most cruel and horrible dictatorship in all the world,the iranian regime, based on the fondamentalist view of the Islam religion.
    So it make me wonder how can be possible that want to be a free human being could be a guilty?So the Ashraf’s residents are guilty to be and to want to be in their country, one day, free persons?
    the iraqi government’s utlimatum goes to show that is determined to carry out this unlawful step, which itself prepares the ground for the massacre of Ashraf residents.This is an act that is considered a war crime and a crime against humanity.
    Despite this the Iraqi government has not abandoned its threat and infact has cut off fuel to Ashraf during this cold season and has also stopped all medicine and physicians visits in all these months.
    So which are the urgent actions that I’m strongly asking?
    1) To guarantee the protection of 3,400 people of Ashraf in according to the Fourth Geneva Convention and so they CANNOT BE FORCIBLY MOVED FROM ASHRAF ;
    2) to remind to the american administration the promise to guarantee this protection to the Ashraf ‘ city
    Best Wishes
    Abbas Pishbin

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